No wonder movie theatres are dark

Jul 29, 2005 12:42

As a movie buff I see bad movies, but I'm getting tired of Hollywood folks with an agenda.

I'm tired of seeing movies about machines replacing humans. They have become so formulaic (like most Hollywood movies). I'm tired of seeing a 'more efficient' computer replacing the weak human who fatigues and makes mistakes. Then through some miracle of human creativity man overcomes the better 'machine'.

The problems I have are 2 fold.

1. I'm tired of this 'techno-fear' that underlies the theme. As any good programmer knows, with any machine --> GIGO: Garbage in - garbage out. For a machine to work well you need to know how to operate it, maintain it, repair it or get it repaired, and be aware of the limitations of the machine. You need to take care of both the hardware and softare. There are no easy answers.

2. If this scenario is so like a doomsday event, then how were you able to create a story wherein the hero defeats the almost invulnerable machine. I'll tell you how - you insert dramatic content in the script which prevents the machine from making logical choices which would easily eliminate the hero.

I'm not going to see Stealth. Go ahead, I think they keep the lights out to prevent you from thinking in a movie theatre. So when a light bulb goes off the manager can say,"Yeah, those two right there...thinking. Take em right out of the theatre."



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