The news on Taguchi caught me by surprise this morning. I still am unsure what to think about it. I mean, with Koki, I wasn't really upset with him. Still not. It was different. I do wish Junno the best in whatever he decides to do though and will continue supporting the remaining 3 in whatever decisions they make in the coming months. (╥_╥)
On to other news...
This is Onyx. Princess found him in my backyard (Good thing she loves cats...).
He is so small still he has to be bottle fed ~every two hours. Something must have happened to his mother, he was left in the cold and was starving.
Christmas is coming and I still have to plan my nephews' photos. This was last years':
Oh, I decided I needed a change of scenery, so I'm now working at Kmart for a bit. I still plan on opening my own design business someday.