Aug 21, 2004 16:34
o.o my mum thinks that i have blackouts and i do stupid stuff...she thinks the meds are doing it...i haven't been to a therapist in over 2 years...shes saying that i need to go to one now...*she read teh journal stuff* i told her i don't want to ...therapists creep me out...-le sigh- this goes for anyone and'd let me know that i was being weird right? so tired i slept from 6pm and woke up at 9am this morning....rawr....*frowns* maybe im emotionally damaged?! lmfao...wouldn't that be funny...even funnyer if i dun listen to emo...-le sigh-
you guys know my brother has cerebal palsy right?...omb we went somewhere and i think it was walmart or something and about 8 people came up and were like hey rion! i was freaked brother knows too many people....hes 20 and gets to stay in h.s. till hes 22 rawr ...anyway i really have nothin to say cuz i feel weird and crush and stuff....*deletes and blocks some names*