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Sep 03, 2005 20:03

well i havent updated in a few so here we go!..um i dyed my hair...its blonde and purple!..in the process i burnt my cheek with colour remover...i hope its gone by picture day..or ill just draw a face on it!..um thursday night i sleep over at alys house..um we watched night at the roxbury with spykids 3D glasses on and orange juice and vodka in our hands!alys glasses didnt have a string on them so we taped them to her head ha..um then after we danced around in her basement to techno(still wearing the 3Dglasses)i think i spilled my drink a couple times which isnt fun at all!um then i wrote out all the lyrics to "all i wanna do is make love to you"by heart so aly could learn the words..cause we thought it would be funny?while she was learning the words i wrote tyler a note which he didnt find nearly as amusing as i did..IT WAS FUNNY..ugh..hah yeah then friday we went to the paris fair..it was meh-ish..it was me laura aly tyler chels dylan and kristy..me and laura left at like 2 30 lol cause we suck!..we both had to work later..yeah then after work last ngiht me ashley and bailey went out for ice cream..and i worked today and yeah!..thats about it..OH i wanted to tell someone about my weird expierence dealy at work today , and i know someone will read this so ill just type it here..so i was in the lunch room on my break and garret came upstairs said hi then went into the washroom then nick,spencer, and christan came running up the stairs and was like "is he in here??"and ran into the washroom and i hear a bunch of bangs and some swearing then two of the guys just book it down the stairs and garret comes out was all like what the hell?...then he told the other guy that was in the lunch room that those guys were trying to kick down the door while he was taking a shit i was like uhh...i gotta go now...byee....its was weird lol..okay thats it
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