Jul 21, 2007 21:53
SiO I am really tired, cranky and irritated right now! Michael still hasn't called me back... he said he would call as soon as he got out of the movie. the movie was suppossed to start at 4:30 and its almost 10 pm now. I just hate it when he says he is going to do something and then doesn't. I know people get busy, Nut call me and say... "hey baby I am busy I will call you later." Grrrrr!! Then I took Bodie out bike riding and fell in a muddy hole and sliced my toe open. Luckily I had taken 2 darvocet so I didn't feel a damn thing... but I did say a few choice cuss words in front of teh kids that made me fall in the hole. I was moving out of the way for them. The girl I watch is sick and I have been on throw up duty all night. My ex came over bnagging about Serenas new boyfriend. And my daughter has had her friends tromping through the house all day and night I tell her she need to be in at 9. So being her typical disrespectful self... she comes in at 5 after asks if her friend could stay teh night. UI say yes and she asks then if she could stay out until 10. I tell her no... she whines that her other friend Chelsea got dropped off and won't get picked up until 9:50. I stil ltell her no... she argues with me. I give her a choice... she stay ouy until 10 and she gets grounded for all of Sunday. She decides that it is worth it to get grounded and stays out! I am dead fucking tired all my little ones are in bed and all I want to do is go to sleep. But now I have to stay up and wait for her to come in!!! I have noone to talk to because someone is to busy to call so I am on tha computer killing time and barely able to keep my eyes open. I am cranky and irritated. I think I almost prefer teh days when I work over teh weekend. At least I can have some decent adult interaction. Don't get me wrong...I love my kids but havving a teenager is hard and I am almost ready to tell her to go live with her dad.She doesn't pull as much attitude with him as she does with me. :: whines:: I really just want to go to sleep!!!!