Sep 27, 2003 16:50
Nervous habits? Chewing sleeves, giggling and bracelets
Are you double jointed? Nope
Can you roll your tongue? No oh dear
Can you raise one eyebrow at a time? I wish!
Can you blow spit bubbles? err yeah
Can you cross your eyes? no it makes me feel funny
Tattoos? nope
Piercings and where? 7, two in each ear 6mm flesh tunnel, nose, tongue and side of lip
Do you make your bed daily? naa just when i go to bed
Which shoe goes on first? left
Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone? no way i love shoes LOVE
On average, how much money do you carry in your purse/wallet?jack all im poor
What jewelry do you wear 24/7? bracelet from Al and a necklace
Favorite piece of clothing: Ramones halterneck
Favorite pajamas: errr ?
-- FOOD --
Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? im a twirler
Have you ever eaten Spam? nope
Favorite ice cream flavour: vanilla
How many cereals in your cabinet? 4?
What's your favorite beverage? Tea
What's your favorite restaurant? Christies
Do you cook? depends, how hungry are you?
How often do you brush your teeth? Twice a day
How often do you shower/bathe? everyday
How long does your shower last? 15 mins? maybe less
Hair drying method: dry it with a hairdryer
Have you ever coloured/highlighted your hair? me myself? no oh yes!
Do you paint your nails? not usually although i have blood red nails at the moment...dont ask!
Do you swear? fuck no
Do you ever spit? not in public no
Animal: chinchilla or err dog
Food: toast or pasta
Month: December
Day: Next Saturday!
Cartoon: Thundercats!
Shoe brand: converse or vans
Subject in school: English literature
Colour: poyple
Sport: extreme
TV show: will and grace (random)
Best looking male celebs: matt davies, davey havok
Best looking male non-celeb: Al (i have to say that...joke)
Thing to do in Spring: give birth to baby lambs?
Thing to do in Summer: moan about the heat
Thing to do in Autumn: collect leaves?
Thing to do in Winter: whine about lack of heat
The CD player: Drive-Thru compilation
Person you talk most on the phone with: Al
Ever taken a cab? Yep
Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors? yep
What color is your bedroom? Purple and animal fur
Do you use an alarm clock? phone alarm?
Window seat or aisle? Window
-- LA LA LAND --
What's your sleeping position? on the side with my legs bought into my stomach
Even in hot weather do you use a blanket? what the fuck?
Do you snore? i call it heavy breathing
Do you sleepwalk? have once
Do you talk in your sleep? a lot
Do you sleep with a stuffed animals? no
How about with the light on? No
Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on? No
Coke or Pepsi? coke
Oranges or apples? Apples
One pillow or two? two
Deaf or blind? Blind... no music
Pools or hot tubs? Hot tub
Blondes or brunettes? Brunettes
Tall or short? Short
TV or radio? TV
Beach or pool? Pool
Tic-Tacs or Certs? tic-tacs
Snooze button or jump out of bed? sleep....zzzzz this is boring
Sunrise or sunset? Sunset
Hamburger or cheeseburger? vegetarian?
Morning or night? Night
Sports or news? news
Indoors or outdoors? Indoors
Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? Christmas Eve
Cake or ice cream? cake
Spearmint or peppermint? Peppermint
Bath or shower? Shower
Book or movie? book
Green or red apples? Green
Rain or snow? snowy is magical
Nike or Adidas? neither
Took a shower? this morning
Cried? last week?
Talked on the phone? last night
Read a book? the other night before the other night
Punched someone? few days ago
Where do you see yourself in ten years? still in love
Who are you going to be married to? Al
How many kids? two hardcore kids
Your profession: music technician
Future school: errr eton?
Car of your dreams? black bmw convertible