Apr 04, 2006 17:21
What the hell is with Riverview this year? First that kid Michael Laura dies. Then those retarted kids write that rap song about killing teachers and people in the school, then that freaking water main breaks so school is canceled for a day. Now we have some fucking dumb ass who writes on a bathroom stall that he is going to shoot or blow up the school today or tomorrow or something. And because he is a fucking dumb ass The school is taking precautions. We can only enter or exit through the lobby doors. We have to searched by cops. During lunch we can't wander. We either have to leave or be locked into the cafeteria. We aren't supposed to leave our classrooms unless it's an emergancy. and We aren't aloud to bring back packs to school. Everything is enforced until spring break...cept for the back pack thing..that is hear to stay. Who ever wrote that, nice going dumb ass. Riverview is supposed to this quite little community where not many things happen and all of a sudden we are like detriot schools or something. It's rediculous. It was nice for something out of the ordinary to finally happen at school...but wtf!
infinite love,