Title: My Beautiful Butterfly
Chapter Title: New Girl in Town
Genre: romance, fluff..
Pairing: Hongo Kanata x OC
Rating: PG. For now.
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone. *sigh*
Summary: He's an actor, but he can't act not caring for her, the not-so-silent violinist in the midst of the noisy classroom.
She entered the classroom. She had short black hair that reached her shoulders, and grey eyes. Hongo recognized her, and looked over to the vacant seat beside him. He gulped.
That's definitely her! He thought. The teacher told her to take a seat beside him.
"Ah. You're the guy from yesterday aren't you? From the riverbank?" she said.
Hongo nodded."H-hai. Kanata Hongo desu."
"Serizawa Cho desu. Hm.. have I heard that name before.. ah, sou. You're the actor who played Ryoma in the Prince of Tennis Live Action Movie!" Cho squealed.
"Yes, that's me."
"I see.. You've also worked with my cousin, ne.." Cho said. She smiled to herself.
A few hours later, the recess bell rang. Cho stood up, and was heading for the door.
"Anou..!"Hongo called out. Cho turned to him.
"You said.. I worked with your cousin.. who is it?" he asked curiously. Cho laughed.
"Shirota Yuu. He's my second cousin," she winked. "How else would I know you're from the movie.."
She bowed and left with her violin case, and into an empty classroom above their floor. Hongo followed her.
Again, she played that unfamiliar piece, and sighed. She played again, a Mozart piece. He watched her closely, until she stopped, and smiled.
"I know you're there, Kanata-san."
He entered the room nervously.
"Sorry.. I was.. curious." he said, and took a seat opposite her.
"No,no, it's okay. I'm not used to people watching me secretly," she smiled, but continued playing. He continued to watch her, and smiled. "Ah, break's almost over. Let's go back to the classroom!"
"Tadaima," Cho said as she went inside Shirota Yuu's apartment.
"Okaeri. How was your first day?" Yuu asked her.
"It was fine.. I met that guy Kanata. He's in my class," Cho said calmly and went to her room.
"Oh yeah?"Yuu called out. Cho came out from her room in a t-shirt and shorts and sat on the living room floor. She nodded. "What do you think of him?"
"He's cool.. he likes watching me play my violin secretly.." Cho smirked. Yuu laughed at her, and scruffled the top of her head. She laughed along.
"I'm going to take a walk now.." she said, and took her violin with her.
She sat on her usual spot, and began playing. She heard a noise, and looked back. Once again, Hongo was there, in his usual spot. She smiled.
"Jaa, this is our apartment, see you--"
"I live here too. On the fifth floor..?"Hongo said. He pointed up.
"Uso? Which room?" Cho asked curiously.
"115. Shirota-senpai is in 312.. right? I used to go there after shooting," Hongo said coolly.
"Well.. I'm staying there now, but Yuu told me to get a room at 1..14. 114," Cho groaned.Yuu is so dead.. "Let's go up, then. I still need to feed my cat.."
"YUU!! You knew didn't you?! That my next door neighbor's going to be Kanata-kun?" Cho said, as she entered Yuu's apartment. Ume purredby Yuu's lap, and hopped off to purr near Cho's legs. "Oh hi, Ume.."
"Yes, I knew. Don't worry, it's okay. What, are you worried about something?" Yuu chuckled. Cho only glared at her. "You'll be moving at the end of the week anyway."
Cho huffed and went into the guestroom with Ume.