Apr 23, 2006 03:58
Hey kidz!
Today's lesson is called: "Which friggin group do YOU belong to?!?!"
Your choices are:
and now introducing Flexuality!
Kidz, Flexuality is being open to same sex activity without identifying as gay or bisexual, which in other terms means being a dirty, dirty whore-bag!
Alrighty! You may ask yourself..."Karla or Toxicjellybean, why are you bringing up such a sensitive subject? Are you trying to offend people?
My answer children is that I am NOT trying to offend anyone but come on, do we really need more segregation and more groups to alienate eachother further? Is "Flexuality" a real thing? "I can sleep around with whom ever I want and no one can call me a slut because I am just expressing my Flexuality!" Hell no, you sleep around and youz a hoe plain and simple.
I am very open minded, heck too open minded you might say but there is a line and I think out society has crossed it. Can't we all just be people *tear* and love people and be around people...ok, that's lame, what I mean is that shouldn't we just fall in love with who ever we fall in love with and not worry about which group we belong too? Do we really need more made up words to identify ourselves just to feel special?
I think we should stick with the core groups like the food pyramid but only with sex...Heterosexual, Homosexual (Gay/Lesbian), Bisexual, Transsexual, Transgendered and then you have the dirty, dirty hoez who belong in their own category......who are the dirty, dirty hoez? Well, anyone who will fuck anything that moves...if you are one...I'm sorry, get help! NOW!
This is all in good fun, but I do know that many people out there suffer a lot because of their sexual orientation. It would be perfect to dream of a world where everyone got along with everyone else and homophobia were gone but I don't know if this dream is ever going to be a reality.
It's sad that we object to the love 2 people might feel for eachother just because we don't think it's the "right" kind of love. How can any love be wrong?...I take that back...some types of love are just wrong...like loving Dolly the sheep a little too hard.......ok, back to my original point, love is a good thing and we should celebrate it, maybe we should open our hearts to it and not just classify it and make it just another annoying list.
I am open to love, no matter what life may bring my way....but until then, I wish everyone out there in love happiness because without love, this world would be more fucked than it already is.
*On a personal note, I'm still sick and it sucks. No fun at ALL this weekend. Bleh!