I think I'll run through the whole story since I still got a li'l Adderall in me.
The half-day. Thursday, March 10th, 2005. It was after fifth hour. Cara-gar-zar needed a ride home, and then I encountered a Filipino named Jefferson Regaza, and he as well needed a ride home.
So, we find my carry-warry-pookins i.e. the Alti my baby, and I iced/scraped/brushed her off because it had snowed on this fateful day.
I started the car with my Kanye West flowing out of the speakers. The song at the moment was "We Don't Care". Jefferson Regaza, a Filipino, was sitting shotgun, and Cara was sitting in back. Who fucking cares right well it's the Adderalllll or maybe it isn't. Just creating some sensory imagery for you.
The exit I was going to be leaving was the right turn only from three to three-fifteen one, and I was kind of near Hicksville if you know what I mean. I was at the far end of the main parking lot and I was in the second row of back-to-back cars from the exit facing the third row. I drove out of the spot and went to get into the line of cars leaving. It looked like it was safe to proceed, but as I was turning into the line of cars, another car was coming up. I figured said car would let me in, because after all, I was near the row of cars first and I had parked nearer to exit than she had, obviously.
Well, there was a problem. It was starting to appear as though she was not going to let me in. I turned into the row and got really close to the last car in the row, as well as she did. It was starting to look like this was not going to go seamlessly. We continued to pull really close to that last car whenever we got a chance to move forward.
Not once did I look at this girl. Well, maybe once. But not for long. Keep this in mind for later. Apparently, she was really pissed though, and was all like had her hands in the air to represent "what the fuck nigga?!"
Eventually, I gave up. I stopped. I was gonna let this bitch through. But, miraculously, at the exact same time, she had decided to give up, somewhat at least. Somewhat...keep this in mind for later, too. I saw her stop, and she honked her horn. So I figured she was letting me through, finally. I went ahead and pulled in front of her into the row of cars. I waited to leave the parking lot, like usual, waiting for the cars ahead to leave and move up. I was near the exit, when this bitch fucking rear ended me. Now, this was obviously on purpose since she was really pissed off and it's not like I had stopped suddenly or anything. And that wouldn't have been a good excuse either, since when you're waiting to pull out of the parking lot, you're expecting frequent stops, since one car will pull out, then the car ahead of you will move up and then stop. Ya gotta be watchin' close the car ahead of you, just like any parking lot, or street. But this wasn't the case...I didn't stop all of a sudden. I was slowly moving up. And I get fucking rear ended. It wasn't too hard, but rear ending makes a pretty loud noise just like any other kind of crash. The 'monitor' who always waves at cars did not too shit. I'd be surprised if she even took her license plate down. And of course, Mrs. Bader, as I learned she is named, just waved to us as we leave the parking lot, like always. I turned right onto Deckner, and she turned left onto Deckner. I drove the short way to Cara's. We checked out the car, and there was no damage to my baby, so that's good.
Apparently, this hoe goes to Jefferson Regaza, a Filipino, 's church. He's gonna try and find out her name.
This may sound selfish, but for some reason, I feel as if I almost did not really deserve this. I mean, fuck, why don't I go through all the reasons why I didn't deserve it (in no particular order).
- I was turning into the row before she got close. She could've slowed down and let me through. This wasn't a matter of someone letting me into the line after they're already in it. We both got there at roughly/approximately/about/nearly the same time.
- She could have just been a good person and let me go ahead of her. It probably cost her two or three seconds letting me go ahead of her finally, not to mention the emotional and physical damage we both and my Alti walked away with, or drove away with, to be more politically correct.
- Not once did I ever look at her. I never looked at her, I never laughed at her, I never said anything to her (not that she would hear it anyway, but people still say shit in their car when they're pissed even if they're alone but what good does that do anyway I mean oh fuck now I know you're pissed 'cos you yelled at me and I can't hear it oh god [i'm being sarcastic yes]), I never yelled at her, I never flipped her off. I didn't even look in the rearview mirror at her, although I regret this now (more on this later). I was not cocky at all. I may have had a subtle grin on my face for a brief very brief period of time when I realized how childish/comical this was that we were both pulling up really close to the car in front of us to mark our territory; but that's it. I don't think I knew this person, there was no grudge or hate between us as far as I know. THIS GIRL WAS JUST A FLAT-OUT BITCH AND THERE'S NO EXPLANATION AS TO WHY.
- It was a fucking half-day. Who's cranky and bitchy on a half-day for fuck's sakes?
- Rear-ending me was so fucking out of line. Didn't she let me through in the end? And what the fuck does that do? She didn't hurt my baby. She must've needed to let off some steam or something because she didn't give a fuck about shit if she's rear-ending me right in front of a monitor, for no immediate reason. Was it to get back at me for going ahead of her? FUCK YOU YOU DIDN'T ACCOMPLISH SHIT BY REAR-ENDING EXCEPT I'M GONNA FUCKING GET YOUR NAME AND THEN I'M GONNA GET SOMEONE TO KICK YOUR ASS SUCH AS SOME GHETTO GIRL 'COS I DON'T HIT GIRLS AND I'M NOT STRONG.
- The previous fucking day, just fucking yesterday, Nick Monthei had published an article in the Preble Buzz, entitled "Parking Etiquette" dealing specifically with this problem of people are dicks with letting people into the line of cars leaving school, and it's not going to take you much longer to get out if you let someone in, etc. Maybe I'll post the article as a comment sometime, but right now I've typed too much. But I mean come on just fucking yesterday, this rational article was clearly visible in the fucking Preble Buzz, and this bitch not only doesn't want to let me in the line, but fucking rear ends me. Un-fucking-believable.
Did this bitch just need to let off some steam, and I did a little thing that was enough to make her snap on me; or did me trying to get in the line of cars in front of her piss her off that much? Was she having a bad day, or did I make her day bad? I mean Jesus Fucking God why would you hit someone?!
I should've fucking followed this bitch, or been cocky to her, but then again, maybe not. If she was fucking serious enough to rear end me in front of a monitor, who knows what she would've done? But, seriously, I was totally being innocent in regards to the fact that I didn't do shit to her like flip her off or anything. Isn't that a law that if someone is gonna rear-end you on purpose (has that ever happened?) that you at least have to had flipped them off or cut them off or something?
I've always wondered why people won't let other cars to go into the line in front of them, when it's obvious that that person has parked closer to the exit than you. But, I guess then again the people in the line who aren't letting people from the sides in had to walk farther to their cars, so maybe they deserve to get out first. I don't know, who fucking cares, the bottom line is that there are a bunch of pricks and bitches at our school that being Preble High School.
"Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks, lick on deez nutz and suck a dick"