Jun 27, 2005 13:29
SO last week:
Hung out with Aileen a couple times and went 'Splorin. Which was glorious as always.
Thenn..Thursday I hung out with Aimee, Cara, Lizz & Ben L. It was a pretty fun time. Drove around. Got Panera. So delish. Aimee cut my hair, Lizz's and Ben's. Looks wicked fuckin good. Thanks man. Took crazy pics. etc. Frideee B-Gabes picked me up from school and we went to his house, newbury comics (ran into aimee), then back to my house. It was a nice day. Yeh. :)So we all need to go the that vegan restaurant soon! My mom lost her job. Which really sucks. Went to my dads friday night, Saturday I went to Scusset Beach and got FRIED. Ugh. But at least it'll turn into a tan soon. Hung around. Sunday, went out to Breakfast, went to Best Buy, got a mini iPod. It rules. And some sweet sunglasssses. Came home, chilled. Today I had two finals, History and English. Weren't that bad actually. Ben picked me up and we went and returned cans. Got 2 bucks! Yeh!! Haha. Then went back to his house for a little. He had to go to work so yeh. Goin to Brittany's to go swimmin in a little while. Then dinnah date with Ben tonight. (Garden Grille?) <3. Tomorrrow: MY LAST FINAL. Biology. Gonna suck but whatev. Then Aileen's gonna dye my hair (blonde! :-0) i'm scared kinda. I'm dyin hers too. YES. Her English cousin Anton is gonna be there and I get to meet him. Cool. We're goin out to eat with my family and then partyin' it up all night niggas. My birthday's Wednesday. Sweet 16. YUH. Ha. I think I'm meetin up with my lovlies in Boston. Cant wait! CALL ME GIRLS. SERIOUSLY. PLANS! Welp, all in all..I'm pumptxfohxlyfe!
<3 LeeLeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
are you alright?
I can stand up straight.
are you alright?
can you get me off your mind?
ohps.) my mom is DRIVING to Somerville to get my Tegan & Sara tickets tomorrow. How sweet is that? :)!