May 17, 2005 22:10
jlt0016 (9:59:56 PM): why the fuck are you messin with jill
jlt0016 (10:00:54 PM): why are you fuckin jill act like her friend when you arent
OBVi0USLYuseless (10:01:02 PM): uhh who are u
jlt0016 (10:01:10 PM): yer a fuckin bitch and have fuckin issues
jlt0016 (10:01:44 PM): really...i dont know why you get fuckin satisfaction out of trying to take other peoples boyfriends
jlt0016 (10:01:49 PM): youre just fucked up in the head
OBVi0USLYuseless (10:03:56 PM): ok who r u?
jlt0016 (10:04:26 PM): i should have kicked your ass when you were with jill at my house when i found out you tried to fuck with my cousins boyfriend
jlt0016 (10:04:43 PM): yer a fuckin nut
OBVi0USLYuseless (10:05:30 PM): i didnt fuck wiht ur cousins bf
jlt0016 (10:06:02 PM): yeah you did you fuckin tried to get with him...are you fuckin stupid are do you take to many anti depressant pills to fuckin remember anything
OBVi0USLYuseless (10:06:25 PM): uhhh i was there, i didnt do antyhig with him
jlt0016 (10:07:03 PM): uhhh even though he told her you tried to get with him...yer fuckin stupid and dont ever try to be friends with jill again because she doesnt deserve a psychotic "friend" like you
jlt0016 (10:07:12 PM): you took her fuckin boyfriend...thast not a friend
OBVi0USLYuseless (10:07:20 PM): obviously
jlt0016 (10:07:26 PM): yeah so why did you act like it
OBVi0USLYuseless (10:07:35 PM): you k how many ppl have talked to me?
OBVi0USLYuseless (10:07:48 PM): i k its wrong and u yelling doesnt make it fucking better
jlt0016 (10:07:52 PM): that dude probably doesnt want yer skanky ass anyway he just wants a piece of ass
jlt0016 (10:08:09 PM): noone wants a crazy bitch unless he knows he can get something from her
OBVi0USLYuseless (10:08:24 PM): ummm lets see,...he didnt want me
OBVi0USLYuseless (10:08:29 PM): we didnt do anything
OBVi0USLYuseless (10:08:44 PM): and my "skanky ass" hasnt had more then 10 bfs
OBVi0USLYuseless (10:08:52 PM): so i dont see how thats skanky
jlt0016 (10:08:53 PM): shit ive heard about you
OBVi0USLYuseless (10:08:59 PM): oh?
jlt0016 (10:09:08 PM): just because you havent had more then 10 boyfriends doesnt mean yer not a skank you idiot
jlt0016 (10:09:26 PM): ive had more then 10 boyfriends and im not a skank
OBVi0USLYuseless (10:10:31 PM): how am i a skank
jlt0016 (10:11:09 PM): god damn ive never talked to a person thats in highschool but has the IQ of a 4 year old
OBVi0USLYuseless (10:11:30 PM): i have a 142 iq, thanks
OBVi0USLYuseless (10:11:55 PM): why are u wasting ur time telling me this?
jlt0016 (10:12:12 PM): why becaus eyou fuckin hurt someones feelings that didnt deserve to get her feelings hurt
OBVi0USLYuseless (10:12:22 PM): ik that
OBVi0USLYuseless (10:12:38 PM): and im sorry but u bitching at me doesnt change it ur wasting ur time
jlt0016 (10:12:52 PM): im not wasting my time because ithinks its fuckin hilarious
OBVi0USLYuseless (10:13:14 PM): ok?
jlt0016 (10:13:30 PM): fuck yeah...bitch
OBVi0USLYuseless (10:13:38 PM): good comeback
jlt0016 (10:14:21 PM): honestly...i dont know you and i dont fuckin want to know you but you dotn do that to someone you call yer friend and if i was jill i would kick yer skank ass
OBVi0USLYuseless (10:15:02 PM): ok well ur not jill
OBVi0USLYuseless (10:15:06 PM): ur wasting ur time
jlt0016 (10:15:19 PM): no im not...because im getting joy out of callin you an idiot and shit
OBVi0USLYuseless (10:15:36 PM): o well ur easily amused
jlt0016 (10:16:08 PM): fuck yeah...
jlt0016 (10:16:11 PM): i hate bitches
jlt0016 (10:16:17 PM): they are A WASTE OF SPACE ON THIS EARTH
jlt0016 (10:16:21 PM): get it
OBVi0USLYuseless (10:16:23 PM): ok?
OBVi0USLYuseless (10:16:30 PM): i dont care what u think
jlt0016 (10:16:36 PM): im not the only one who thinks that
OBVi0USLYuseless (10:16:42 PM): i dont care?
jlt0016 (10:17:24 PM): you should...everyone thinks you really are fuckin usless
OBVi0USLYuseless (10:17:43 PM): obviously
OBVi0USLYuseless (10:18:07 PM): i have friends, so why dont u go and stop wasting ur time yelling at me, and maybe go play with ur friends
jlt0016 (10:18:40 PM): maybes im not playing with my friends because its 10 oclock and maybes because im talking to them on the internet
jlt0016 (10:18:43 PM): maybes though
jlt0016 (10:18:45 PM): just maybes
OBVi0USLYuseless (10:19:21 PM): just maybe what
jlt0016 (10:19:32 PM): idk yer the one who fuckin talks like an idiot
OBVi0USLYuseless (10:19:40 PM): ooooh
OBVi0USLYuseless (10:19:47 PM): i think i just got served
OBVi0USLYuseless (10:19:57 PM): go find someone else to pick on, blocking u, bye!
*wow, someone must have been bored. woooo its fun to get yelled at by ppl who dont know me!