Ode to a low rated basic cable station

Aug 22, 2012 00:46

Sci-fi channel. How have you stooped so low? I know I complained about your cheesy, lame original movies. I believe a movie about a town ransacked by mutant wasps should not be named "Wasps." And I think your name change to "Sy-fy" is ridiculous and unnecessary. It serves only to point out how you no longer serve the science-fiction oriented community.

When you started airing pro wrestling, I thought it was a move just about ratings. You needed a money maker. I can understand it. I don't like it, but I understand it. I don't know why so very many people like a show about people pretending to hit each other but not actually doing any harm. I don't know why it's the only sport where you can legally throw a metal chair at the referee. But I can appreciate your need to have a show where the commercials are worth more to you than a cup of instant noodles.

Then you ran the show about makeup artists. Uh. Okay. Well, at least the makeup jobs are for monsters and aliens. I guess that's mildly better than what I thought it would be. Still not very enjoyable. Glad to see Levar Burton, though.

Then you ran a show about car design. What the hell.

Now you're starting a show about set design. Sets. Like, props and stuff? Really? Is half-assed reality shows all you have left in you? Or is this what's selling? I don't think any answer to either question would make me happy.

What happened to The Lost Room? That was pure creativity! Battlestar Galactica's reboot was poetry strapped to a nuke! I can only hope Sanctuary and Haven return.

Edit: in May 2012, Sanctuary was canceled.

With Eureka gone, Warehouse 13 is now the only show I watch you for anymore! I don't watch sci-fi for reality. I watch t.v. for the exact opposite of reality! I want ninjas attacking robots attacking pirates attacking dinosaurs! Makeup artists are neither sci nor fi. Wrestling is neither SCI nor FI! Do you now serve NEITHER interest, much less the greater intent of science fiction?

Edit: Fast and Furious? Really? A movie about racing cars. Is there truly no sci-fi left in syfy? It's just getting sadder by the day, and by the day this sci-fi fan watches this channel less and less.

eureka, haven, science fiction, warehouse 13, sci-fi, the lost room, sci-fi channel, battlestar galactica, syfy channel, sanctuary, syfy

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