Aug 19, 2004 21:52
helo livejournal.
today i did an hour of yoga and went for an hour long walk. and then my mom yelled at me because i "don't do anything besides eat and excersize", and "you're really getting weird about your health." when I replied with, "you mean, actually trying to have it?" and "all you do is drink and smoke, drink and smoke", it was, "god you annoy me. when are you moving out?"
ah. family is good to have, you know.
anyway, good people, you are to convince me of something. now, as you may know, i recently cut off a lot of my hair, and set out on an attempt to dye my hair blonde. you see, my boyfriend has a thing for blondes, and i have a thing for change, so it works out rather nicely. except my attempt at dying my hair has left me more light golden coppery red than blonde, and the lovely bitch who cut my hair did it quite improperly, so it resulted in a cut which encourages volume and wavyness in my already thick, wavy hair. in other words, the last thing i need.
and at this moment, i am extraordinarily tempted to go to an actual salon and get it professionally done. completely disregarding how i've got no money and need other things (books, eye exams, new glasses, sports bras) more than i need to cut and dye my hair again.
this is where you hit the little 'leave comment' button and affirm that i am making the right call by not walking my happy ass into some expensive salon. kthx.
um. hrm. there was something else i was going to go on about, too.
oh, yeah. so i thought of something today.
hold on, hold on. i know. an original thought.
and here's a glass of water.
nope, i'm not dead.
*checks pulse*
no, really, i'm not dead.
anyway. i think a good part of the reason i spend so much time internally (and at times externally) questioning most of the stuff lu does, especially the nice stuff, is because he spent the better part of two years trying to convince me he really didnt care. and then turning around and doing or saying something that would just kind of scream out "oh dude, i am *SO* a fucking liar." and then verbalize, "no, really, i never want a relationship with you."
this is all.
goodbye livejournal.