stolen from
missmiamarie RULES
1 - Leave a comment, saying you want to be interviewed.
2 - I will respond; I'll ask you five questions.
3 - You'll update your journal with my five questions, and your five answers.
4 - You'll include this explanation.
5 - You'll ask other people five questions when they want to be interviewed.1) out of all the things in your
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Superbowl Sunday = Drinking. Len = Football Fan. Len = Drunk.
So anyway, because I do not believe in LiveJournal's, and because Jes is not online on the almighty AIM (I just spelled that 'main' when I typed it the first time...) Anyway... I shall respond to the same five questions (because I find them interesting and insightful) in here. Enjoy.
1) out of all the things in your life, what do you regret the most? Why? what would you do to change it?
This was a toss-up. Giving up football, knowing that I might have even been able to play professionally (CFL, WFL, not NFL.) Throwing away two years of university by not meeting my potential. Or finally, never having the balls to follow through on a relationship with Kari Pyne, a young woman I knew in high school. Quite honestly, being the hopeless romantic that I am, I would have to say that the final one hurts the most, because she enjoyed all of my idiosyncracies and I never showed her the appreciation she deserved. Anyway, to change that, obviously, I would have taken that extra step and started up something. Even if it went nowhere, it would have been better than sitting here three years later thinking about her more often than I ever did during the time when I saw her every day.
2) Define you most perfect moment of clarity.
I went out after a rainstorm last year and smelled the air. It was great. I was calm and clear and content for five whole minutes.
Either that... or the nerd option. When I'm working on something that involves my entire intellectual repetoire, I focus really well and clarity is key.
3) Take a hobby that you put your most time and effort in, is it an extension of who you are? Does it Represent you? Why?
The thing I do which involves the largest amount of my free time is my wrestling. Amateur wrestling, you know, the olympic style (I write this for those who read this randomly, not for Jesykah.) This, however, does not define who I am. It may be an extension, infact, it has to be an extension, you can't spend most of your time doing something and say it isn't a part of you. That would be foolish. Like saying "I work at a mill all day, every day, for twenty years, but I'm not a millworker." However, I guess I wrestle like I am in real life, and vice versa. I'm not an aggressive man, and it shows on the mats.
4) Take a situation in your life that you thought was mediocre, why was it mediocre to you?
Mediocre means "middle of the road" so to define something that's "middle of the road" I have to forcibly remember parts of my life that aren't exceptionally extraordinary. That being said, uh... enrichment classes (that's "smart kid" classes for those of you who haven't met the term.) I was forced to suffer through an in-school suspension because I chose not to do optional work. This, during my period of not attending school. So I went to school on the principle that I had to attend for my in-school suspension. Then the following days I was promptly not attending anymore. I finally "chose" to do my "optional" work after three days of in-school suspension, because I figured it would be easier to look like an idiot in a crowd than to look like an idiot infront of a reviewing panel of six school-officials. (Long story, find me if you care.)
5) If you could tell one person anything before you died, who would it be and what would you say?
This is a toss up. I would really like to be able to tell Stacy "I look forward to the day I no longer remember you ever existed." However I also imagine my last words should be slightly more positive to reflect a positive style of life, as such I would probably tell all sorts of people that "I'm dying soon, I think you're neat. Will you fuck me?" Such as many a random girl at school.
No, I don't have an unquenchable sexdrive, I swear.
And that is my answer. Jes, we talk later, you laugh at me. I laughed at your "deeply entrenched" comment, so it's only fair you laugh back. Also, that whole debaucle between Jes and the crew involving the words "deeply entrenched", I would like to have avoided, however, it was not number one on my worst regrets, so you guys get ZERO mention. Suckers.
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