harry potter. surveylicious.

Nov 26, 2003 08:19

1. When did you read your first HP book? Winter 01/02
2. How long did it take you to read it? Hrmm, a week or so. I was reading about 5 books at once.
3. Who gave it to you? Jim put it in a pile of "stuff Jes should read"
4. Which is your favorite book? Prisoner of Azkaban. yum.
5. Who's your favorite character? It depends on the day, really. There are a lot of very interesting characters.
6. Who's death so far has been the saddest to you? Cederic Diggory, just because of the way it was written, you can feel empathy for the weight Harry felt. While Sirius dying actually had a more profound effect, it happened so quickly that it was more *shock* than *trauma*
7. Did at any point while reading, you have a crush on any character? PUNISH ME PROFESSOR, I'VE BEEN A VERY BAD GIRL
8. Did you see the movies? Yes I did.
9. Did the characters look the way you imagined? I pictured both hermione and ginny as being ... less attractive.
10. Who do you think will hook up? Who do I think will, or who do I think should?
Whew, this is going to be long.
Who I Think Should Hook Up-
Hermione and Professor Snape. Not only because that would be *hot*, but because at some point, when Hermione becomes a Big Girl, she is the only female character whos intelligence and ability will match that of Snape. Not to mention the fact that of all the characters we've seen thus far, Hermione is the least easily intimidated, at least, she becomes such when she gets her bearings on things.

Ron and One of The Hair Twins (Lavander or Parvati) - simply because Ron is too thick to appreciate anything else, as far as girls are concerned. He has the potential, as a character, to flesh out into someone well rounded, and you see that more and more as he's growing up, but he does come off at times as so hot-headed he can't see the forest for the trees.

Once he grows up a little, and comes into his own, Neville and Ginny. Theyre both growing from shy children into more confident teen-children

Sirius Black and Remus Lupin - At least, before Sirius died. *sniffle*- so, barring that, I'd like to see a little lupin/tonks action. "for fun"

Crabbe And Goyle: theyre overcompensating for something.

--- and yet, there's more

Who I Think Will Hook Up-

Harry and Hermione - All you hg/rw shippers out there, pay more attention to detail. in the movies, its obvious. In the books, its still obvious. When harry grows up enough for that, anyway.

Ron and One Of The Hair Twins - see above

Are dumbledore and mcgonagall fucking? - yes, i actually do think of these things

god. okay. I'm tired of this game. IM me for more discussion.

11. Which character would you like to be killed? None, yet. *yet*
12. Are you a Death Eater? I'll go undercover if it means I get to see Snape naked.....or at least what he wears under his robes (i don't lust after fictional characters....)
13. Which house would you be in? Slytherin. Cause the ends justify the means. And if you take the time to look at what the house stands for, and not the Baby Death Eater Training Camp aspect...
14. Would you play Quidditch? I'd rather be in the library.
15. How many of the books do you own? Just the first two
16. Are you gonna cry after reading the last one? I bet I will
17. Who's better: Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, or Prongs? DEFINATLY Moony. (yum)
18. Have you ever mumbled Latin spells under your breath at random occasions? yep
19. What kind of animal would you be if you were an animagi? Tiger. Definatly a tiger. Preferably one of the pretty ones, yet somehow, I doubt it.
20. If you were J.K. Rowling would you continue the series after book 7? No, honestly, I'd be tired of the story.
Where would it go though?? See above.
21. After reading the books do you use any British slang/sayings such as 'prat' 'rubbish' 'ruddy' or 'bloody hell.'? I've been using brit slang since before then. It picks up the more i talk to tom, and fades off when we stop talking for a bit...

Thanks. This concludes this evening's episode of "jes is bored" theater. Come again.
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