updates y0!

Apr 05, 2005 20:55

on Friday we went out to friendlys cuz me & mica cut track...the coolest people everr ERIC MICA LAUREN AND ALYSSA <3 who i love to death. we ate like pigs, we took pics and we basically had the most awesome time. so like then then bill comes and its like $100 & alyssa has to call her mom to do all the math. we were peeing our pants =P

then we didn't have a ride and we couldnt go to the movies b/c we were broke so after walking around and singing in the middle of the street my madre comes and drops us off at alyssa's casa where we met with brooke<3 and watched eurotrip and hung out and took more pics.
-eric doing napolean dynamite =P
-mica laughing so loud & scary that the ppl behind us had to move
-tunkel, Lc & eric getting squished to the maxx
-me not being able to open alyssa's car door
-us trying to do math for a year & a day
-EUROTRIP in general
-being by brooke. too funny for words

*okay so my family partyy was on saturdayy. my mom ordered these hawtt pink white & black balloons b/c thats the best color combo! and she made me a LOUIS VUITTON CAKE. can that get any hotter??
*so mica, Lc, alyssa, sam & lulu came...ashley & keri couldnt come tear tear. well we had an awesome time pranking people, blasting the BSB (as always) and then i got everyone to watch the grudge which isnt as scary as it was the first time seeing it. ugh i hate when that happens! so then we hung out and had these awesome BROWNIES<333 and we took pics with our cameras and put our hair up like "deb" from napolean dynamite...b/c we are that hawtt...so yeah great times.
*i gots lots of moneyy which i can't wait to go spend!!!! =P

click here for pics of friday & saturdayy-->BEST FRIENDS ARE FOREVERR<3


so yesterday i wasn't feeling so hott. i felt like i had to faint and i felt lightheaded and my throat was killing me so i went home earlyy, my madre picked me up and i couldnt sleep that night and i felt like shit so of course i had to stay home! wahhh my perfect attendance is shot to hell.
and today i went to the doctoressa and she pricked my finger and took blood and right now my white blood cells are fucked up and i have a synis infection so i'm on 2 antibiotics. can u say LIFE SUCKS??? so i'm a little drugged up LOL i still have to wait to see if i have strep throat UGHH!!! and i can't go to school tomorrow either so i'm missing a shitload of work.

ahhh god whyyy whyyy? thats all for now i think i'll go and be all sick. much love<33
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