Цонкапа, опираясь в своих возрениях на изучение множества индийских источников и на беседы со многими живыми хранителями традиции, утверждает, что в равной степени важны качества обоих партнеров. В своем коментарии к шести йогам Наропы он кратко описывает качества, необходимые для практики с реальной партнершей (кармамудра), которые приводятся в индийском тексте Херукабхьюдая: "Ты сам и йогическая партнерша должны обладать знаниями, получить чистое посвящение, искусно поддерживать корень и ветви тантрических обетов, быть искусными в методах практики мандалы, совершенствоваться с помощью медитации в течение четырех ежедневных медитативных сессий, быть знакомыми с шестьюдесесятью четырьмя искуствами, изложенными в светских трактатах о любви (камашастра), ясно понимать учение о пустоте, иметь представление о стадиях четырех радостей и возникновении мудрости сахаджи, а также обладать способностью удерживать сексуальные жидкости внутри. Что же до тех людей, кто, не обладая и малой толикой качеств, о которых говорится в тантрах и написанных великими сиддхами трактатах-первоисточниках, объявляют свои поверхностные наставления глубокими, а затем сообразно им практикуют, - это чрезвычайно дурно и открывает врата в низших мирах." Признавая строгость этих требований, Цонкапа постоянно подчеркивает, что, если человек не обладает достаточными качествами, чтобы взять реальную партнершу, он должен выполнять практику с воображаемой, визуализируемой партнершей (джнянамудрой). Здесь мы снова видим, что именно более подготовленный человек должен становиться реальным партнером и соединяться с реальной партнершей. Из книги Миранды Шо "Страстное просветление: женщины в тантрическом буддизме" - М.: издательство "Добрая книга", 2001, стр. 233-234.
немного о кармамудреromamericanOctober 19 2012, 01:48:55 UTC
By mudra consort yoga, instinctual emission is transformed into instinctual nonemission, like mercury and fire. This is spoken of by the Buddha in verse 224 of the Methods of Accomplishment chapter of the king of tantras:
"Fire is enemy of mercury; without fire mercury is never bound. Unbound it will not create gold; no gold is of no use to man. Similarly, not in union with a consort, the yogi's mind is forever unbound. Unbound, his body is not penetrated, a body not penetrated does not grant innate bliss [the bliss of withholding emission]." - Vimalaprabha, Stainless Light, The Great Commentary, by Pundarika
The purpose of Karmamudra is to generate a special state of consciousness that provides insight into the nature of reality. By activating and directing the most powerful energies within, the consciousness is supercharged with blissful forces that open doors to comprehension. Furthermore, these energies facilitate the creation of the superior bodies or vehicles used by the consciousness to reach complete enlightenment.
To increase this innate bliss of the conquerer, first rely upon an activity [karma] mudra consort; then create the sun form, with body, face, legs, crown, all limbs complete... - Vimalaprabha, Stainless Light, The Great Commentary, by Pundarika
The practice itself is described here, and uses the Tantric meaning of the Sanskrit word bodhichitta: sexual energy.
With the pride of a vajra holder (that is, with a sense of divinity and respect, not animal lust), the vajra with the lotus enters the lotus (male and female unite). With the lingam (male organ) placed into the bhaga (female organ), the yogi performs hum phat (the secret mantras); the bodhichitta (sexual energy) is not emitted. - Vimalaprabha, Stainless Light, The Great Commentary, by Pundarika ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Written by Tilopa When serving a karmamudra [spouse], the pure awareness of bliss and emptiness will arise: Composed in a blessed union of insight and means, Slowly send down, retain and draw back up the bodhichitta [the sexual energy], And conducting it to the source [the divine], saturate the entire body. But only if lust and attachment are absent will that awareness arise.
Then gaining long-life and eternal youth, waxing like the moon, Radiant and clear, with the strength of a lion, You will quickly gain mundane power and supreme enlightenment. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Naropa: Karmamudra Yoga Written by Naropa The practitioner who if free from doubts and who wishes To engage in vast activities for the benefit of the world [bodhichitta] Should seek the great bliss [ecstasy] which is the secret of the dakinis. He should rely on a mudra [woman] who is between The ages of sixteen and twenty-five, A diamond-like yogini qualified [educated] for the tantric sexual practices, Such as the lotus-like, antelope-like, or conch-shell-like. That fortunate practitioner, who is as though a Heruka Chakrasamvara, Should, without grasping at duality, seek her sexual embrace And sport in both worldly [physical] and beyond-worldly [internal] delight.
The drop [of sexual energy] that descends [from within to the sexual organ] is to be retained [no orgasm], reversed, And diffused to the appropriate sites. This diffusion is to be done pervasively: An eagle drinking the essence, Like a lion, elephant, peacock, tiger and turtle. And behold! Three aspects of the four blisses appear, making twelve.
The innate wisdom of inseparable nature is revealed, And whatever occurs arises as non-worldly great bliss. The secret initiation, mudra, nectar, pills: Half of half of sixteen drops means four are given. Bliss spreads through the four chakras and three channels.
If the yogi is drunk with mindlessness and attachment, He misses the essence and falls to the realms of misery; But if he applies the yogic techniques well, Undoubtedly he will achieve buddhahood in this lifetime.
Vajra Verses of the Whispered Tradition by Naropa [mid-eleventh century]. Published by Snow Lion (1997) in The Practice of the Six Yogas of Naropa, translated by Glenn H. Mullin.
"Ты сам и йогическая партнерша должны обладать знаниями, получить чистое посвящение, искусно поддерживать корень и ветви тантрических обетов, быть искусными в методах практики мандалы, совершенствоваться с помощью медитации в течение четырех ежедневных медитативных сессий, быть знакомыми с шестьюдесесятью четырьмя искуствами, изложенными в светских трактатах о любви (камашастра), ясно понимать учение о пустоте, иметь представление о стадиях четырех радостей и возникновении мудрости сахаджи, а также обладать способностью удерживать сексуальные жидкости внутри.
Что же до тех людей, кто, не обладая и малой толикой качеств, о которых говорится в тантрах и написанных великими сиддхами трактатах-первоисточниках, объявляют свои поверхностные наставления глубокими, а затем сообразно им практикуют, - это чрезвычайно дурно и открывает врата в низших мирах."
Признавая строгость этих требований, Цонкапа постоянно подчеркивает, что, если человек не обладает достаточными качествами, чтобы взять реальную партнершу, он должен выполнять практику с воображаемой, визуализируемой партнершей (джнянамудрой). Здесь мы снова видим, что именно более подготовленный человек должен становиться реальным партнером и соединяться с реальной партнершей. Из книги Миранды Шо "Страстное просветление: женщины в тантрическом буддизме" - М.: издательство "Добрая книга", 2001, стр. 233-234.
"Fire is enemy of mercury;
without fire mercury is never bound.
Unbound it will not create gold;
no gold is of no use to man.
Similarly, not in union with a consort,
the yogi's mind is forever unbound.
Unbound, his body is not penetrated,
a body not penetrated does not grant innate bliss [the bliss of withholding emission]." - Vimalaprabha, Stainless Light, The Great Commentary, by Pundarika
The purpose of Karmamudra is to generate a special state of consciousness that provides insight into the nature of reality. By activating and directing the most powerful energies within, the consciousness is supercharged with blissful forces that open doors to comprehension. Furthermore, these energies facilitate the creation of the superior bodies or vehicles used by the consciousness to reach complete enlightenment.
To increase this innate bliss of the conquerer,
first rely upon an activity [karma] mudra consort;
then create the sun form, with body, face,
legs, crown, all limbs complete... - Vimalaprabha, Stainless Light, The Great Commentary, by Pundarika
The practice itself is described here, and uses the Tantric meaning of the Sanskrit word bodhichitta: sexual energy.
With the pride of a vajra holder (that is, with a sense of divinity and respect, not animal lust),
the vajra with the lotus enters the lotus (male and female unite).
With the lingam (male organ) placed into the bhaga (female organ),
the yogi performs hum phat (the secret mantras);
the bodhichitta (sexual energy) is not emitted. - Vimalaprabha, Stainless Light, The Great Commentary, by Pundarika
Written by Tilopa
When serving a karmamudra [spouse], the pure awareness
of bliss and emptiness will arise:
Composed in a blessed union of insight and means,
Slowly send down, retain and draw back up the bodhichitta [the sexual energy],
And conducting it to the source [the divine], saturate the entire body.
But only if lust and attachment are absent will that awareness arise.
Then gaining long-life and eternal youth, waxing like the moon,
Radiant and clear, with the strength of a lion,
You will quickly gain mundane power and supreme enlightenment.
Naropa: Karmamudra Yoga
Written by Naropa
The practitioner who if free from doubts and who wishes
To engage in vast activities for the benefit of the world [bodhichitta]
Should seek the great bliss [ecstasy] which is the secret of the dakinis.
He should rely on a mudra [woman] who is between
The ages of sixteen and twenty-five,
A diamond-like yogini qualified [educated] for the tantric sexual practices,
Such as the lotus-like, antelope-like, or conch-shell-like.
That fortunate practitioner, who is as though a Heruka Chakrasamvara,
Should, without grasping at duality, seek her sexual embrace
And sport in both worldly [physical] and beyond-worldly [internal] delight.
The drop [of sexual energy] that descends [from within to the sexual organ] is to be retained [no orgasm], reversed,
And diffused to the appropriate sites.
This diffusion is to be done pervasively:
An eagle drinking the essence,
Like a lion, elephant, peacock, tiger and turtle.
And behold! Three aspects of the four blisses appear, making twelve.
The innate wisdom of inseparable nature is revealed,
And whatever occurs arises as non-worldly great bliss.
The secret initiation, mudra, nectar, pills:
Half of half of sixteen drops means four are given.
Bliss spreads through the four chakras and three channels.
If the yogi is drunk with mindlessness and attachment,
He misses the essence and falls to the realms of misery;
But if he applies the yogic techniques well,
Undoubtedly he will achieve buddhahood in this lifetime.
Vajra Verses of the Whispered Tradition by Naropa [mid-eleventh century]. Published by Snow Lion (1997) in The Practice of the Six Yogas of Naropa, translated by Glenn H. Mullin.
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