(no subject)

Jun 07, 2005 18:24

hey guys omg wow can this year have gone by any faster even tho this year sucked i think its been mi best year ever, im so glad iv made the friedns iv made, so many memories and inside jokes from this year will follow us through highschool. eith these 7 days left well make the best.

i dont know how i would have gone through this year without jina. she has always been hear for me and i dont think i could ever have so many inside jokes with like 1 person. everything we look at reminds us of a inside joke. jina is by far one of the most bestest friends anyone couls posobly ask for.

vegass was awsome

it was sooo much funn seeing nilss withhh u and when chriss wud come haha

this picture is tooo cute

youu guyss all made thiss year awsome!! i love all u guyss soooooo muchhh andd hoppe nexttt year will be the best
xoxox byee

ohh yeaa more pixx comingg upp frommm gradd andd stuff

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