Oh love...

Jul 31, 2011 15:13

Have you ever felt your love was a toxic poison, that you didn't trust your own love or that your love was harmful to all those involved.
That's where I am.
My opinion on falling in love is that you should fall in love whenever you can. Love to me is a gift from the gods and to not pursue it would be a serious travesty to your life and to your soul.
That being said when do you stop the love if at all?
What if you fall in love with someone who is toxic to you, or someone who does not know how to show their love properly? Are you doomed to walk the planet alone in fear of the wrong love, if a "wrong" love even exists?
I ask these questions because I'm at a loss. I have a love that I've pretty much overlooked for many years. And although they are amazing at so many things, both mentally and physically, the hurt they bring seems to negate it all.
My gratitude cannot be expressed into words but I feel if I allow the hurt to continue the love will become tainted. Defiled by the demons within.
But the love is so strong that I do not want to squander such a beautiful gift and I am trying to protect the love and cherish it's profound beauty. Because it is indeed a beautiful thing.
Our love is so beautiful that to disgrace it in anyway would prove us unworthy of the precious gift.
Is it worth the pain, to have the beauty of profound love?
What isn't worth the pain of true love?

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