Mar 22, 2005 16:25
In my failed attempt to patiently wait for WoW to patch and update, I have decided to fill out a little survey thing that I found on Justin's LJ. Since I don't know how to do the thing where you link it so people only read it if they want, I have created a monster of a post. Fuck you and everyone that looks like you if it bothers you, you fucked up fucker!!!
Name: Scott Jonathan Michael Rollison
Birth date: March 12, 1985
Birthplace: CMC Scranton, Pa
Location: Jessup, PA (Currently at Bloomsburg University)
Eye Color: Sometimes blue. Sometimes green. Sometimes grey. Always with a little yellow.
Hair Color: Brown.
Height: 5'8" - ish
Righty or Lefty: Righty.
Zodiac Sign: Pisces. The two phuckin' fish.
Your heritage: Indian, Italian
shoes you wore today: Busted up Bams. ADIO
Your fears: Lonliness. I'm livin' a fear! Woo! o.O
Your perfect pizza: Tony's.
Goal you'd like to achieve: My goal is to have a REAL goal. It's a work in progress...
Most used phrase: Fuckin' Fuckin'?
Your best physical feature: Hah...
Your bedtime: Don't have one.
Your most missed memory: Scott's house, after freshman year of high school - during the summer. Topless girls and video games. Can life get any better? I submit that it cannot!
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
McDonald's or Hungry Jacks: McDee's
Single or group dates: Depends on the company and situation.
Adidas or Nike: Fuck that...
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton
Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino
Smoke: No
Cuss: What the fuck?
Singing: I hit notes like Mariah, bitches!
Do you think you've been in love: Yes, I think...
Want to go to college: Heh...not really...
Like(d) high school: Damn, I miss HS!
Want to get married: I think day.
Believe in yourself: Depends on the situation. (Well-said Justin)
Get motion sickness: Never in a car. Fuck boats though.
Think you're attractive: No. Not at all.
Think you're a health freak: This sort of applies to the question above this. (Deep-fried foods, iced tea, liquor, pop-tarts)
Get along with your parent(s): Usually get alone with my mom.
Like thunderstorms: LOVE lightning.
Play an instrument: Nope. Though I seem to hit the G Spot on every instrument.. ZING!
Have a crush(es): *nod* *hang head in shame* /wimper
In the past month...
Drank alcohol: Yeah
Smoked: Nah
Done a drug: Yes
Made Out: Yeah...
Gone on a date: I think so, sorta... Maybe not. I dunno...
Gone to the mall: Yep
Eaten an entire box of Oreo: Mmm...Oreos. No..
Eaten sushi: Been a little over a month.
Been on stage: Nope.
Been dumped: ...? No?
Gone Skating: No. I miss my 'blades'
Made homemade cookies: Made, no. Eaten, yes.
Gone skinny dipping: Nah.
Dyed your hair: Nope.
Played a game that required removal of clothing: Always
If so, was it mixed company: Its the only way. No one likes a sausage party. (Again, well-said Justin)
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Uh...not EXTREMELY intoxicated. Well...sorta. Ok, I lied. Yes.
Been caught "doing something": Ugh...yeah..
Been called a tease: Yes. It's weird for a girl to call a guy a tease though, isn't it?
Shoplifted: A long time ago. Like...before my nuts dropped.
Changed who you were to fit in: Never to fit in. But, as simple as I am, I'm pretty complex. I share the interests of many people. So I may sometimes seem like a different person depending on present company.
Age you hope to be married: Before I die.
Numbers and Names of Children: I don't want more than 3, I know that. And I like lots of names.
Describe your Dream wedding: Don't care. I dream about the sex after the wedding.
How do you want to die: Quickly and painlessly. And I don't want to see it coming.
Where you want to go to college: .....
Where outside of the US would you most like to visit: Either Bali or Norway.
In a guy/girl...
Best eye color?: I prefer blue eyes. They're the easiest to get lost in.
Best hair color?: Brown or black. I never really was a fan of blondes.
Short or long hair: Short...but not too short.
Tall or short: No bigger turnoff than a girl thats taller than me. Unless she's all leg. *drool*
Best weight: Anywhere between I guess 110 - 150 is "ideal." But I'll be fucked if I care. Personality outweighs looks ANY day.
Best articles of clothing: I like girls that wear cool belts... Belts are cool... Yeah... Thats scary...
Best first date location: Anywhere. It's all about the company.
Best first kiss location: Anywhere. Public displays of affection show that you aren't ashamed. And why should you be?
I should have thrown in a few insults for you guys, but I didn't. You wouldn't have seen them anyhow because you didn't read the whole thing. Why would you? O.o
I win.