Its here cause It can be also.

May 25, 2004 11:14

blah so I woke up today feelings really crappy.. like I wanted to cry. Dirk was suppose to be here today and its like.. I miss him. Oh, I just caught the clock, its 11:11. Okay now its 11:12. So anyway, I really wish he were coming.. we could have so much fun. But NOO he can't and I'm not going to get to see him atleast for another week and 2 days. And thats only if he does decide to exercise his rights as an adult. Erg why are parents so crappy! I woke earlier at like 10am and my mom right away "will you put this away for me, will you get your stuff out of the dryer" and I'm like Jesus Christ woman can't I atleast pee before you start barking orders at me. And then I completely forgot about the dryer so she got it and came into my room with an attitude and was all "i HAVE things to do Kandice. listen to me when I tell you something" I was like "crap mom I forgot sorry" and then she yelled and me and I didn't pay attention to what she was saying and i shut my door right when she was standing there. dude... ya dont yell at kandice when shes been awake for 3 minutes.

I had a few dreams last night. They were really fucking weird.

So I was all dreaming and shit right.. And I'm in this hotel in a big city and I can see the airport right out my window. The airport isn't RIGHT by the hotel but I'd say a good mile or so. So I'm just sitting there, watching these airplanes take off and land.. when I notice... these airplanes aren't landing very safe. It kept occuring to me that they were getting really close to ground and then straightening out. But they always landed safely all day. Until night came. I was watching this airplane come in from the sky and it was all akward. It was tilted down and to the side and I got up and screamed "its going to crash its going to crash its going to crash" And it did. Because of mee.. Oh wait. Lol. Anyways. The plane just crashed right there into the runway! And then I see another plane coming along and I watched it with every piece of my body. My legs were trembling my heart was beating and my eyes were popping out of my head when, like before, the plane crashed right into the runway. Each gave these big explosions and it was scarier than hell. Then, I see this plane taking off and it got so far up in the air, then it just went right back down and crashed, and again a big explosion. This happened 5 times, until they were launching some sort of space ship... and you could see it starting up but it did the same as the airplanes and crashed except this time sending out an explosion so big the surrounding area was detroyed. It scared the crap out of me. . and I woke up.

I was driving along...when I realized "hey this is dirk's car". It was winter and I was in upstate Illinois. Around Wisconsin, where I used to live. I got lost, and it was night.. and I went to turn a sharp curve thing and I went off the road and the car flipped a gazillion times but landed upright.. and it still ran. So I drove it home. Now the car was fine but i was pretty banged up.. bleeding in numerous places. So when I finally got home (yes I drove all the way back to southern illinois) and I called Dirk and I was crying and I was all "im soooo sorry, I crashed your car" and he was all "ill be there, im leaving in an hour" and so.. way later in the day, he pulls up... IN HIS CAR. and I was like wtf. but whatever its a dream.. and I see is car pull into the driveway and I get up and scream and run for the bathroom.. and i brush my hair and my teeth and wash my face and put on some eyeliner and mascara and make sure I look okay lol. And then I went outside and I was really shy.. and he gave me the biggest hug and kissed me and said "are you okay? the car can be fixed, you can't" and I smiled and said I was alright and then my phone rang and I woke up... its was his moms phone.. i could hear them talking in the background.. but nobody was there.. one of those accidental dials I guess.

In my last dream it was like a video game. I was a baker and I had to find all these ingredients and make my way through this maze town to get them.. it was cute.. I don't remember what happened but I do remember waking up. <33

Rah so weird.. Its taken me 19 minutes to write this. Damnnn.
This is going to be posted in my other journal cause there aren't quite 5 people on __toattend yet.. SO yeah. Double posted entries are so May 2004. <3 Ya Heard?

comeee seeee meeee quickly my love. i long to hold your hand.
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