Sleep apnea, collapsed palate, sinus issues, and RLS aside... I finally know why I can't fucking sleep.
Because 9 times out of 10 when I have to get up early (read: before 10 AM) for work, my brother's three alarm clocks go off at 6 AM but he doesn't fucking WAKE UP so they go off for half an hour until I wake up and go in the next room to shut them the fuck off. Grandma and Kelsey still have to get him up every morning so why the hell do we have 3 alarms? I'm gonna disconnect all of them.
Also because Lily insists on meowing LOUDLY for about an hour to go out but when I let her out, two minutes later she's outside the door meowing to come back in. Then she won't shut the hell up. I'm going to kill that cat one morning.
Btw Mel? Apparently Mom and Brittany have decided Petrie deserves to die so we're putting him to sleep. If you'd like to come over tomorrow after school and say goodbye, that would be good. We won't go into my opinion on that because it doesn't matter. And Jack died the other day. But he'd made it three days after getting hit by a car for a third time, so it was his time.
Today I get to piss off the Powers-That-Be with my note for my appointment with Tom since the Sleep Study went so horribly they had to knock me out with pills just to get me to sleep and Tom was gone by the time I was conscious. Hey, I'll take an 8-2 shift over an 8-5 anyday. Especially today.
Today's gonna suck. I can feel it. And I'm getting sick again. Also- it's supposed to snow again. I fucking hate Minnesota somedays.
This morning calls for an extra shot of espresso in my iced mocha.
[I’m feeling|
Pissed off and exhausted ]
[Current Addiction:| Footprints In The Sand ~ Leona Lewis ]