Dude, you have no reason hate who you are. You're groovy. *And don't cut yourself or anything (hence your icon), cause it's really not a good thing, trust me, the scars never go away. If you ever need to talk, I'm here, alright. And I fight with my parents a lot too, I don't think we've had an actual conversation in years. Summer will be better, just get out as much as you possibly can. You can always chill with me, too! Sucks they're so hard on you about your grades. But a 4.0?! That's reallyyyy good, if they're not proud of you, just know that I am! And remember, we can live in Julia's garage over the summer, or that little room in her guest room, or that shed thing in Jesse's backyard. Hah, peace.
Yeah, like what you said is all true I guess. And who needs my parents if you're proud of me? Haha, yeah. Oh well, I guess I can just look forward to Jesse's shed...thanks homeslice. =)
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