Something i copied from Bri's journal bc im bored

Mar 19, 2004 15:07

What time is it?: 3:08 pm

What is the date?: 3.19.04

Why are you filling this out?: bored

-*-*YoU yOu YoU*-*-

Full name:

Do you like it?:'s lame

Nicknames: manda..we wont go into the other ones

If you could change your first name, what would it be?:..penis

middle name?: Rose

DOB: feb 12

Height: 5'5 ish

Hair color: brown..

natural: brown..

now: isn't that the same fucking question as before?

Eye color: ..not sure

Where do you live?: hickville

Do you like it there?: no many farms lol

Why/Why not: ^^

Where were you born?: Greece

Astrological sign: idk

Shoe Size: 11's..yeah laugh it up
Grade: 8th

School: churchville


Parents names: mom and dad

Do you have any siblings?: yeah

If so, what are their names and ages?: Kelly 20, Tab 6, Chels 14

Are your parents divorced/remarried/single?: remarried

Pets: yeah..

Do you like your family?: Not really

Favorite relative: Kelly


Number: idk

Color: black and green
Car: one that works

Season: summer

Holiday: ..idk


Day of the week: Friday

Grade so far: what..

Sport: basketball

Class: idk..i hate school

Teacher: Mr. Pencille

Drink: idk


Food: everything

Fruit: i d k!

Veggie: ummm idk

Dessert: anything but cake

TV show: that 70's show

Radio station: 90.5 but i usually have a cd with me..
CD: i like all my cd's

Movie: Fear and Loathing biotch

Actor: Johnny Depp

Actress: idk

Song: Best day ever -mcr
Word: penis

Phrase: idk
Animal: bunnies!! lol

Flower: anything, they're all pretty a loser

Clothing store: i tend to stay away from the mall

Article of clothing: my belt..i feel naked without it

Underwear: thongs

State (that you've been to): all over the east coast

Ice cream flavor: banana..even tho i hate bananas
Breakfast food: i often try to make it and i come very close to burning down my house :( ask bri and jerms..

Way to have fun: guitar..

-*-*ThIs Or ThAt*-*-

Me/You: you


CD/Cassette: CD

DVD/VCR: dvd

Radio/CD: CD

Slow dance/Freak dance:....

Jeans/Khakis: being naked

Jacket/Coat: ..being naked i told you!
Leather/Pleather: leather

Sparkles/Bronze: bronze???

Sexy/Hot: fuck me?

Car/Truck: from churchville give me a break

Civic/Acura: idk

Corvette/Camero: my dog..she gets me from place to place

Strong/Weak: who cares

Upset/Pissed: *drools*

all/Short: idk

Lunch/Dinner: i dont eat lol.

Abercrombie/Hollister: neither

Gap/Old Navy: i dont know

Nsync/BSB: backstreetboys bitch
Britney/Christina: neither

Love/Lust: love

Gone In 60 Seconds/The Fast and the Furious: ...

Inside/Outside: outside

Lipstick/Lipgloss: lipgloss

Silver/Gold: silver

Piercings/Tattoos: both

Football/Basketball: basketball

Thunder/Lightning: thunder

This/That: this


Who is your best girl friend?: i have a few

Guy friend: Jeremy

Do you get along with people easily?: usually
Why/Why not: idk..

Who have you known the longest?: Binksy

Who do you dislike the most?: no one really

Was your crush/bf/gf a close friend before you liked them?: I guess so

Craziest: Jay

Loudest: Bri

Funniest: Bri and Chels

Quietest: Nick

Sweetest: Em

Most caring: all of them

Most understanding: Nick, Jerms, Em and Bri

Kinkiest: Bri

Sleeziest: jay lol

Best dressed: ..idk..

Biggest flirt: jay and bri

Most likely to have a 2 year relationship: chels

Cutest couple: erika and alex

Most loyal: all of them?

Most athletic: idk..

If you were stuck with only 2 friends, who would you pick and why?: Nick and Jerms..and Jay, i love her she's the greatest
If you could date >ONE< guy friend, who would you date and why?:....

If you were the opposite sex, which member of the same sex (as you are now) would you date and why?: ppsshtt Brianna Lee Pignone..we're related

Most likely to be on America's Most Wanted: Chels

Most likely to be a stripper: Jay

Doctor: idk..

Teacher: Em

Soccer mom: a fugitive soccer mom

One you'd travel across the world for: all of them

If you could take 5 friends to paradise with you to live, who would you take and why would they be the best?: Em,Bri,Jerms,Nick,Jay

Biggest wanna-be pimp (boy): Jeremy

Biggest wanna-be playa (girl): Jay

Biggest thug: Kyle

Smartest: Idk

Who would do anything for a thousand dollars?: Jay

Who has the nicest parents?: Jay

Who is like your adopted sister/brother? Jay lol

Who is the most like you?: Chels

-*-*LoVe n ReLaTiOnShIpS*-*-

Do you have a bf/gf?: yes i do

If so, who?: Nicholas Gabriel Rivera
If not, do you have a crush?: ...

If so, who?: ur gay..

How long have you liked your bf/gf/crush?: ..whheeww..a while

What about them do you like so much?: i could go on forever

What is their strongest quality?: hmm..idk..

Weakest quality?: nothing..he's perfect :)

How long have you known them?: last year..

Personality feature: everything

If you could kiss one famous >MUSICIAN< mmm Joey Ramone..he's so ugly he's handsome, even tho that doesnt make sense
If you could kiss one famous >ACTor< who would it be and why?: Idk..

If your single, why do you think you are?:

Who was your first love (if you've had one)?: oh boy

Do you miss them (if your not still together)?: no no no noooo
Who is one person you've liked but >NEVER< said a thing?: no one


If you could take back one thing you did, what would it be and why?: idk

Do you have any regrets?: no..

Last thing you said: "Are you trying to pick a fight with me mom?"

Last song you heard: November Rain
Last person you talked to: my mom lol


What are you doing right now?: this survey

What cd is in your stero?: Guns n'roses
Are you cold?: no

How are you sitting?: im kinda just plopped on this

Is there music on?: no

If so, what song is it?:

What time is it?: 3:38

Where are your parents?: work


How old will you be when you graduate high school?: 18 ish

Are you going to get married?: idk i hope
Although you cant tell who you'll marry, is there anyone you'd wish it would be?: yes :)

If so, who?: you really have to think that one out? lol..moron

Are you going to have children?: i'd like to

If yes, how many?: 85..jk idk..
What will you name them?: penis and dickus

Do you want to go to college?: not sure

Which college: idk

What kind of car will you want to drive: my dog..

What kind of job will you have: who knows
Whats your expectations for when your 25?:idk

-*-*HaVe YoU eVeR*-*-

Drank: yes

Smoked: yeah

Skinny Dipped: oh god yes..good times last summer kids ;)

Prank called the police: yeah

Been followed, etc by the police: yeah

Been high: ughh
Done drugs: ..depends on what kind

If so, what?:

Stole: yep

Met someone off the net: no..

Been in a fist fight: yeah

Punched your sibling/parent: yep hah..

Wished you'd die: maybe

Tried to commit suicide: ...

Broken a bone: yeah

Driven illegally: yeah

Thrown things at your parents: yeah

Runaway: ....
Filled out a survey this long: besides this no



Do you right in cursive or print?: print

Are you a lefty, righty, or ambidextrious: righty

What do you think of rainbows?: idk

Do you have any piercings/tattoos?: my ears, belly button..
If so, where?: ^^

If not, do you want any: you are a moron..but yeah, i want my trick and a monroe

What do you think of Eminem?: he's a

Is Tupac Shakur really dead?: yeah man..he's a the hell would i know

What do you think of Britney and Justin?: aren't they married?

If you could live anywhere else, where would you live?: any where but here

Do you drive?: lol i have

Do you have braces or glasses: nope and nope

Like milk and cookies?: sure...why not

Ever worn black nail polish?: yeah

If your a guy, have you ever painted your nails?: i ain't a boy

Girls, what color nail polish do you have on?: bright red..

If you could have a 6th sense, what would it be?: whats that

If you have a magical power, what would it be and why would you want it?: i dont know...
If you could be invisible for a day what would you do?: i would stalk people
Do you do things even when your parents say no?: yeah

What is your favorite song to "rock out" to?: ummm idk
Ever taken anything from a hotel?: yeah

Did you talk to your crush/bf/gf today?: umm not really

If so, for how long?
If not, why not? huh im

Do you think this is stupidly long?: first off..stupidly isnt a word ..stupid! lol..but yes

Did you like it?: no, now emily is here and i have better things to do

Why/Why not: ^^

Do you like me for this?: no


What time is it?: 3:50

What is the date?: the same

Why did you just do this?: because i have NO life. :)
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