Mar 31, 2004 10:00
Yesterday was interesting. Me,Jess,and Jerrika(sp?) skipped and tried to find a ride home. That didn't work out to well. Then I wanted to see Nick, so me em bri and jerrika (sp?..againlol) walked a little ways down westside..and em and bri were convinved they saw Nick and Jeremy..but then we saw Tom and me and Bri went and jumped on his trampoline real quick. But when I came back to talk to Nick and Jeremy...they walked away..i was kinda upset. Oh well i guess. So Em and Bri took off and me and Jerrika walked to IGA so her mom could give me a ride home. We waited a little while, smoked, was fun. Today Sean was supposed to pick us 3 up from school..but that plan didn't uhhh work out. And I couldn't take being in school. I hate it, i hate everyone sucks. So mark picked us up. Me, my mom, chelsea, and mark got in a family argument..i got upset and left..cried for like 3 hours straight. hmmm...I'm going to my sister's soon. That should be fun. I feel like I'm going to throw up. blah. I love how I jump to random topics. lol...I think Nick is going to end things soon :/ I think he hates me. :(...i don't know. I'm going to watch a movie with Chelsea. -later