So it has been a while since my last post. I'm not slacking off, I promise that!
Yesterday I shipped out my doll to his new home. I hope he will arrive safely at the other end of the world. But I am glad that he found a new and loving home. Poor guy really deserves the attention. Also keeping an eye on the track and trace in the meantime as I am just as curious for his arrival as well.
Still looking for a buyer for my MDF Abadon though....
I did also order Fenrig 2.0 -happy dance- And now we wait... again. I'll just add him to the "waiting list". Unfortunately I haven't heard a thing from the other guys in the meantime. So yeah... no update on that. Only that my patience is far gone now xD
So if anybody has something left, please share. Imma need it.
I got a small dilemma on my hands. I am turning Fenrig's old body into a new character and this dude is very present at the moment. I thought I would change them both as soon as I have his new body, but that might actually happen sooner. Yesterday I made a quick picture for a friend (I am RP-ing him with her) and I totally fell in love. Today I got his wig. Popped in a couple of eyes that I had laying around and BAM! Totally in love. Because of that I will probably change him sooner, but the downside will be that I don't have Fenrig anymore for the time being.
Look, I made a site: site is dedicated to my dolls (still under construction though) I felt that LJ didn't have the best opportunities for that, so that's why. I am keeping my blog and info seperated, so no worries I will keep posting here.
A while ago I ordered 2 more wigs for Kieran as I am still not sure about his hairstyle. Got them in the mail yesterday. And hey, one of them is a completely different color than the one that I did order. Emailed the company to see if we could come to a solution for this.
Two weeks ago my friend held her birthday party and it was awesome. It was nice to meet up with everybody again and I met a couple of new people. She also held a "bring and buy" for doll stuff. Ended up with a couple of lovely items for my guys.
A little IRL thingie this time to end my post. Just because it's frustrating the hell out of me. So it will probably be a bit of a rant, sorry about that. Couple of weeks ago I had a cystitis. Got meds, but wasn't convinced that it had worked as I got more pain and started to develop a fever. Went back to the GP, got my urine checked but everything was normal. Okay... deal with it and keep on going. And indeed, almost all of my symptoms were gone. Not going to bore you with the details. But this weekend it got worse again. And on top of that a whole lot of cramps which resulted in a lot of visits to the toilet. It took me a while before I realized that my cranberry pills were the badguy :"D So that part got solved, but not the bladder issues. Dropped off another urine sample at the GP, again nothing. We decided to try out something different, just to see if that would be of any help. Cramps... cramps... cramps urgh I almost wished I didn't take that pill. I hope that my suffering will not be in vain.