He ran away

Jun 05, 2016 00:53

Not too long ago me and a friend talked on fb about that some of my dolls would probably run away if they could. The reason why we came up with that was Rio. He is still laying headless and butt naked in my cabinet xD. I will not be getting the owner of the year award hahaha.
But I came to the conclusion that Fenrig would probably run away as well. For the whole boyfriend/wall thing and me calling him uttlery non photogenic. Hello mr Slowcoach :p

Long story short, I actually "lost" him.
Couldn't locate him at my own place and not at my father's place. Needless to say that I had been suffering from a mild heart attack at that point (omg omg omg wtf.....nooooooo.....)
When I came home again I continued my search. Finally remembering that I had put him out of harms way earlier because I had been building an Ikea cabinet in my bedroom.
Karma I tell you.


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