Jul 12, 2005 00:22
Hello!!!! I dont really know what to say... i really have nothing to write happy belated fourth of july... im sad cuz duval is leaving, o well, i've had a very interusting talk with davy the past few days but hey it was all worth it. oh and i finally talked to one of his friends on the internet unforunatly it was only cuz i was on his sn, he was really funny and i thought he was great, btw is it stealing if a guy helps take off a wwjd braclet,hands it to u, and then helps u put it on ur wrist? yea, and wtf is he doing wearing a braclet lol jp. Dana my pet my love, im so glad we have gotten to spend so much time with eachother resently if u ever need anything ask and ill help. you know one thing i miss surveys lol so if u read this then send me one and ill be glad to put it up. alrighty them im going to go to sleep nighty night.