Jun 23, 2005 20:04
My mom finally came home it was a month or so but she finally did. I start drivers ed next monday lol hehehe. my dumbass sweet cant drive for 16 months... im sorry baby. Im kinda bored i really havent done that much this summer, most everyone i know is on vaca. im leaving to go to north carolina until drivers ed ends the 21 so yeah i cant wait buddy will be out of the hospital by then. it was so weird a week after nana died buddy was sent into the hospital and they were trying to get us all to go down and getting funeral arrangments but he's almost all better now. No one said it better than hayley, "everyone in your family get sick at the same time lol. Well, from what i hear now, John is mad at carla y i dont know but that makes me said, y cant we all just get along... Phhhssss yeah right just kidding. Oh one random girl with the sn of something like CheeksMaggie or something looked on my lj sorry i dont have pictures i did that once but i got a bunch of people randomly saying things which werent nice. well im outs... byes