(no subject)

Jan 27, 2006 10:08

heydiddly-ho fellow lj addicts
happy australia day to all for yesterday hope we all had a good one.
well what's been happening....?
not a lot to tell you the truth. wednesday night i went to a god-awful play called 'an inspector calls' which the reviews said was 'spine tingling' but what they should have said was'predictable and overacted' the plot was actually a good idea. it seems some girl topped herself by drinking bleach and basically the whole story was finding the guilty party. should it be the father of this family for firing her from her job or the daughter for getting her fired from her 2nd job or the son-in-law for having relations with her then dropping her like a hot turd when it suited him or for the son for knocking her up and giving her stolen money or for the mother for not giving her charity. worst part about the play was when they turned the house lights up and the 'inspecctor' started talking to the audience like on springer with his 'final thoughts'
then off to the townie to meet up with peoples who it turned out had already left before i got there. aallecks was there though. so was april & brendan
then upstairs i found my amy tim and paul all talking like yokels about dogs being all vaseliney and red and putting their piss sticks all over theirselves etc..
back to amys where i spent the night and woke up to some delightful maths and off to the pool hall to meet up with aaron justin and dave. chris was stuck with his nephew or something. then off home for sleepies.
that brings us up to date and destroys part of your brain with it's boredom but it's my life so if you don't like it you can bugger off you todger lover
now it's off to pretending to work till i can leave and go to the pub
suck my dick one and all and may your own genitals feel like they are being caressed by hundreds of tiny bubbles for the rest of the day
love to all and I WANT SEX!!!!!
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