Well, I finally decided to revive you my Livejournal. Bitch! Listen, you are not going to piss me off away this time you hear me!!?!?! I'm gonna keep you wether you like it or not bitch. Muahahaha! That's right Livejournal, I'm back and I will bitch slap you if you try to discourage me by doing little sneaky things to me. Ok enough of that, LJ-cut organization time:
My first entry will be about Joanna and how our friendship is again falling into decay. I know I haven't told you about Ana and everything else but I will gradually introduce you to all those characters my little Livejournal. So anyway, Joanna secretly got back with Ana a few weeks ago even after she was the cause of much of the crap that almost ended our friendship. She has other secrets and she won't tell me. She seems to be hiding many things from me and I really resent that. She doesn't have to tell me EVERYTHING but the Ana thing I have to know because I hate that bitch and the more Joanna associates with her the more I'm starting to not like Joanna again. For a long time I've been wanting to replace Joanna. I still resent her for the Pride and DYke March thing. I don't trust her very much. Everything between me seems to be going fine on the surface but it's really not. Everything between me and her in my view is decaying. I want to replace her as soon as possible. She is getting other friends too, and maybe she is trying to replace me too? I don't know whatever it is, I want to have back up friends. I want to have more than just one friend. Hopefully, the new school year and me being more activist will help me in my goal. Joanna hides many things and I don't trust her anymore. I won't go to her house as often now. Really, its getting to a point where I'm starting to really resent her because how could she go back with that bitch Ana after she promised break up with her. She is all lies and bullshit. Also, I think I want someone a little more mature than Joanna and a little more emotionally stable. She scares me sometimes because of the things she says ..really and sometimes I feel like Joanna is not coming to terms with growing up. Oii Whatever. I'll update you about the Joanna thing.
My father is coming soon. I don't want him to come back! Ughh! Why can't he stay in stupid Nicaragua for a few weeks more! I don't want to see his stupid face. I hate him! I hate him sooo much ...he disgusts me. He makes me want to move the fuck out of this house. Now I know why Nelson hates him so much. I have to make friends so I can be roomies with them. I really need to somehow get the fuck out of this house. Hopefully going to all these gay organizations will help me get a job. I really need one.
Well I gotta go. See you later.