im bored.. this is going to be a stupid entry... have fun...

Nov 26, 2004 13:39

Recommend me:
1. a movie
2. a book
3. a song or album

ask me any 3 questions you would like me to answer

copy and paste this into your journal



Full Name: Sara Lynn Prince
Nickname: Sara/ Sara-Bear/ Slip/ Sera
Age: 15 (YES!)
Grade: 10
Birthday: November 8
People you live with: Mom, Dad, kenny
Ages of of People: 48, 48, 9

Boyfriend/Girlfriend: nope :(
Who: :'(
Crush: nope
Who: ...

Are your parents divorced: nope
Has either one ever been in a previous marriage: nope
How many siblings: 1
Yall Get along: me and my bro only sometimes... but the parents are cool
Do you get along with your parents: someimes.. mostly
Do they punish you a lot: not nemore.... Im an ANGEL! 0:)

--This or That--
Hot Dogs or Hamburgers: Hamburgers
Vegetables or Fruit: veggies
Radio or TV: TV (theres music on that too)
Boys or Girls: boys...
Pen or Pencil: Pen
Beavis or Butthead: ive been declared Butthead
MTV or VH1: uh.. MTV hits
Video or DVD: DVD
Reality or Dreams: dreams

--What do you think of when you hear this word--
Biscuit: Gravy
Cell: Phone
Booty: apple
School: jail
Friend: Fearies
Cheerleading: CAPTAIN!
Smoke: cigarettes
Bible: i should finish reading that one day...
Book: Tithe
Honor: Roll
Dark: sleep
Girl: Veronica
Boy: Lemas (hehe nobody reads this newayz)
Basketball: hate them all
Hair: annoying
Pool: Summer

--Do you know anyone named--
John: yea
Nichole: yea
Leslie: no
Paul: yea
Abraham: no
Arnold: yes
Abbey: yes
Alli: yes
Kelly: yes
Dustin: yes
Shelby: yes
Roger: yes
Matthew: yes
Nathaniel: yes
Scott: yes
Philip: no
Carrie: yes
Kaitlyn: yes
Bob: yes
Fred: no

Cold or hot?: hott
Blue or Red?: red
New or old?: new
Give or receive?: recieve
Wool or cotton?: cotton
Rose or Daisy?: rose
Private school or public school?: public
Chocolate milk or plain milk?: Chocolate Milk
Celsius or Fahrenheit? Fahrenheit
spring or fall?: Fall
History or Science?: Science
Math or English?: English
Who's your funniest friend? Veronica
Who do you e-mail the most?: myself lol
Who is the meanest?: uh... Nick
Who's the loudest: Tabby
Who's parents do you know the best?: Nick's
Who has the best room? Me!! o man its so cool!

Within last 24 hours...
Had a serious talk?: ya
hugged someone?: yup
gotten along good with your parents? yes
Fought with a friend?: no

Do you like to?:::::
hug?: yea
Take walks in the rain?: love it! need a boy tho..
If you got a tattoo, would it be a snake sliding down your spine?: No a tiger claw on my hip
have you ever had that falling dream?: yea
What color is your floor/carpet in your room?: blue... ok.. lots of brown staing on it tho.. lol.. (is coke u guys.. soda)
What was the last CD you bought? omg.. too long ago to remember
If you chew gum, what kind?: Winterfresh
how do you plan on spending this summer? Hanging wit the girls and my furture boyfriend!

Have you ever?
Danced around naked: ya
Lied about your bra size: no.. im just wrong about it
Gotten drunk: nope
Run away from cops: nope
Flip off you parents behind their backs: ya
Mentally undressed someone: ya
Eaten crayons:? ya
Shoplifted: ya
Held a gun: nope
Seriously injured yourself: nope

When was the last time you....
Sang out loud: last night
Went to a porno site: never
Threw something: i threw stuff AWAY today.. like into the garbage
watched a cartoon: uh.. three days ago
Did something you enjoy: today

Do you?
Have a pager: no
Have a cell phone: ya
Have a laptop: nope
Have money in pocket right now: nope
Have clothes on right now: yea
Have a mental disease: no
Lie to people to make them think well of you: no
Have behavioral problems: no
Have a car: nope
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