Sep 08, 2004 06:16
hey hey... things are a lil better.. well right now anyways. Im trying not to think about that one thing till next week for when i have money and i can check. Got really drunk last night called nina.. was freakin out cuz i seen a bug and it was on me.. and started screaming lol. Got to see joey and eric yesterday. Eric is talkin about how much he misses joleen and how he feels bad cuz he was a lil crabby the other day when he seen her. He told me to tell her he missed her. So joleen if you read this i dont have to tell you lol. Still havent heard from aaron. I guess he got suspended and he got into a fight yesterday. but thats what happens when you dont pay people i guess.. Brittneys always freakin about this guy eddie Lol. Its so funny. But its cool. I miss my Joey. I got to see him last night but i dont get to see him today. I got my road test tomarrow, I get to leave school early!!!:D:D!! then i can drive to school and drive and scoop joey up and hang out. I love hanging out with him and being with him,hes soo awesome. GOT TO C MY KIMMI YESTERDAY!!!!:D I miss my smoking buddy, I ran up and gave her the biggest hug. I passed my written 15 ? test yesterday. Only got 2 wrong:D:D:D:D Cuz im sweet shit:P! but anyways. i think ima look at tattoos online untill i gotta start my work. Im in bst by the way......
Joleen if you get on after school call me! And I hope you had a good day at school... well teachers talking gotta goo...