Aug 04, 2010 18:17
So I am back from Splendour now. I has a really awesome time and a lot of eye opening things happened.
For the last week, I have been camping in QLD at Splendour in the Grass. It took us 22 hours to drive there... we hit a Kangaroo as well as ran out of petrol. Mind you we survived and I didn’t kill any of the boys. Camping itself was heaps of fun and we met some really cool guys from all around Australia. When we got to camp it was POURING with rain, like literally torrential downpour, so the guy next to us said we could use his shelter and stay under there to hide from the rain. His mates were camped ages away and he subsequently became our best friend on the trip.
We also met a guy who did didgeridoo healing, which is basically him playing it at your back and your being able to feel the vibrations. It was kinda cool and a really interesting concept. That was his job there but as he hung out with us at night he gave us a test demo.
Other than that we met a few couples and come other guys from around that became regulars to our campsite and were really genuine and nice. Was really wonderful to see people from so many different backgrounds and walks of lie get along so well.
The music was awesome! Everyone really exceeded expectations. We saw this guy called Mr Percival who uses only his voice, and then puts it on loop and makes songs. He was really awesome so the next day we did a vocal workshop with him. That was heaps of fun.
The event space itself was HUGE. More massive than I have ever seen before. It was kinda like you were camping outside of another festival. You had to enter the festival through security and it took about 30 mins to walk from the front entrance to the festival to the main stage... which was up a mass hill. Lucky we were only camping about 500m from the event entrance but. Some people were camped over 2km away. HAHA!
We drove home and got home at 5am on Tuesday morning and now today I am back at work.
Since Splendour I feel really wonderful. Really energised and happy. Almost Radiant.
I also won a $150 gift voucher to the beauty place near my house. SO I am planning on getting a massage, facial and wax.
I'm so looking forward to the next few weeks.
On the down side to this whole thing, Josh has quit smoking since we came back, and although that is a good thing his mood is really to be desired. I know he is frustrated and I will do my best to understand that. It will be hard, but undoubtably it will be harder for him. I'm really proud of him overall.