first let me say Happy Mothers Day.
ok, so jason and i've been working out new designs for our next tattoos, and because mine is a hell of a lot smaller and easier than his(which he plans, as of right now, to finish covering his lower back and around his sides), i've already finished coloring mine.
this is the original drawing for my tattoo on my upper back (this picture isnt great cause i didnt feel like scaning it in at jasons house, so i had to take a picture of it)
not great pictures again, the top was taken by me in a mirror, and the bottom was taken by mom, but you can see the colors that Dan used where slightly different than the ones i had, but thats cause he didnt want to make it too dark, which i agreed with. i'm very happy with the way it came out, so i decided to use the same colors in my design.
its a right and left design, to go on each side of the tattoo i have now. the left side has a Libra symbol in it, while the left side the X rune (partnership, love, forgiveness, gift, talent, and relationship)
here is the colored version
here is how i hope it will look once i get it done. they will each be on my shoulder blades, which thankfully hurt a lot less than my spine, lol. now all i need to do it save up enough money to get it done. i'm going to go back to main street because i really liked it there, even if it means i have to save up extra money, lol. ok, well i'm off. let me know what you think of my designs.