It Was Good To Hear Your Voice Again...

Nov 19, 2005 13:27

Well, this seems to be a pretty good weekend so far. Friday morning I worked, and then I got to hang out with Jason! It was the best! We hung outside for a while after he got off work, then we went in to pick up his check, which reminded me how cold I was, so we went and sat in my car. Then he mentioned needing something from Michael’s, so I offered to drive him there. So we got to spend a little more time before I took him home. It was so nice to see him again. It’s been about over 3 years since we’ve seen each other! I missed him so much. I gave him a quick hug when I saw him, but inside I never wanted to let go. It’s been too long since we seen each other. Why is it that such good friends could allow themselves to grow apart? Ahh, I don’t know, and obviously I allowed it to happen to me. But it was such a nice treat, lol. And he looks pretty good, he was able to loose some weight since high school, while I on the other hand have definitely GAINED weight. I need to loose it again... I’ve been trying. And I’ve definitely been watching what I eat, especially after that damned kidney stone! I never want to have to go through that again. And because of that, I’ve even cut back on my soda intake... Go Me!

Anyways, enough about my personal issues, lol... I was so excited Friday about seeing Jason, that I decided I wanted to get him an x-mas gift. I’m so excited about buying gifts this year. So anyways, last night Steve and I decided to go the Timonium Fair Grounds. That’s were I got my idea for his gift. I’m sure with all the questions I asked him yesterday, that he already knows or at least has an idea of what I’m getting him, but I still don’t want to write it on here incase he ever reads this, lol. I’ll prolly end up telling Jenny in school on Tue. So anyways, Steve ended up buying 4 pellet guns there. Then we headed off to the Bel Loc Dinner for dinner, tee hee I luv lil dinners! So Steve and I planned on getting up early this morning to go to the Flea Market. And of course we did. I had to argue with him to set the alarm, lol. So we watched the second DVD of Hellsing and then he finally set the alarm.

The flea market was the flea market, lol. But I still luv going there. I think Steve started getting impatient with me, cause I asked for his help with picking out Jason’s gift, but even with his help, it took me like a half an hour to finally decide of what I thought was perfect, lol, Steve hates when I take too long on a decision. So I guess that means he gets upset with me a lot. So Jason... I think I got u the GREATEST gift, lol... na, but I’m positive you’ll like it.

So after the flea market, I bought Steve and I breakfast at the dinner by my house. And then we came back to my house where he got his stuff together and went home so that he could get ready for work. And I’m sitting here typing this before I get a shower and get ready for work too... which I really need to go do now, lol. So thanx to Steven and Jason, I’m having the bestest weekend, lol. Oh, and on tue I get to hang out with Jason some more. I’m going to go his college for an anime meeting with him, hehe.

<3 krys
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