Mar 21, 2006 19:41
Uni.. blah it's boring. I've had nothing to do all term and have been very bored. Then all of a sudden this work creeps up on me and I'm going mad trying to get it done. We all are.
So yeah, things haven't really progressed in three years. I've still got random feelings for Dean that I can't explain, but he drives me mad coz he's so rude and immature. But today I found a good cure for all my anger that I have for him - Think about Tim. The One who got away. Although it's sad thinking about everything that happened with Tim, when I think about him there's always a smile on my face. I have this fantasy that one day he will phone me up from Norwich station... or Heathrow or anywhere, and say that he's come to find me and now we can be together. I've never really gotten over Tim. And in a totally different way to Dean. With Dean I feel like there's unfinished business. Maybe coz we never split up properly. I want to get back together with him... it's an odd feeling. I'm pretty sure I don't love him. Maybe I just want to break up properly!
But with Tim, I've never gotten over him coz I never got to live the rest of my life with him. My one dream.It'll never come true of course, but he will always be with me and thinking about him will always make me smile. Isn't it great to have had someone in your life who has such a profound effect? Tim was the guy who shook me to the core. The life changer.
I guess I should really get on with this bloody work. It's pretty important and I'm fucking around wasting time.
It's good to talk to Tim. There's no one else I can talk to about him.
I miss him more than I can say x