Nov 12, 2004 17:01
wow guess what i ahd ANOTHER horrid day. first of all julie adn emily are still so mad at me. like now im only going to the dance supposdly because all i want to do is see tim? who the fuck cares about tim? i dont thats for sure! and how the fuck did emily know about tim and me and us saying HEY to each to each other? WOW thats a scandal right there! and julie said that she hopes i have fun at ANOTHER schools dance cuz its sad that thats how i ahve to ahve fun? isnt that the point of dances? to get other schools to go adn stuff? whatever. i dont understand why my best friend block me online, say mean things, take one mean comment i said when i was in the worst mood and it was about the horse i trained all summer. i was mad because i was mad that sam got to ride him only 2 hours. whatever. that part doesnt even matter. they also bloack me on here so i cant read their lj or anything or wont call me or tell me im a waste of time. wow that sure makes me feel loved. also, thats what all best friends do right? wrong. they dont. wtf. why do i ahve no friends. im a horrible person.
well i guess enough of that. i did get pretty bras at marshals yesterday. and a new school shirt. its cute. i am babysitting tonight. itll be kinda fun i guess. ill get like 30 bucks for watching tv and doing my hw. thats kinda cool. well i hope julie will get over it and i hope that shell listen to me saying sorry over and over and stop being so pig headed. i hate close minded people and unluckily for me, my best friend is being the one thing i hate.
sorry times a million
i am h o r r i b l e
j a n e