Jun 12, 2005 15:12
Keep him in your hearts and prayers. Especially his family and friends. I honestly believe in Heaven and Hell - and I know that Theo did, too. He's not in a place where he will ever feel pain, sorrow, heartache, or anything sad. It's something that no one on earth can imagine. He's so happy. And when people say he didn't deserve to die... I say yes he did. He deserves over anyone to be where he is today. He fulfilled his duties that God wanted him to do - and so he took him to Heaven to be with Him. He loved him so much that he took him from this horrible world. In the Bible it says, that if you love God - you will never die. On earth - we are flesh and blood, but when someone who believes in God passes away, they are just taken to Heaven - the same person, just in a different suit. He's now living with the best of the best, being happier than ANYONE can imagine... and he deserves that. I truly believe this from the bottom of my heart. If you were there last night, you would have noticed that there were people there that had never talken to Theo... yet - he touched everyone in some way. He planted a seed in everyone's heart - and he set an example - and that was what God wanted. Now just let that seed grow...