Towyn 2.0

Aug 05, 2011 15:08

OK well here's the gist of my ideas for Towyn 2.0. I'm changing the character as well as the fursuit so the decision is important to me, my 'fursona' is a representation of myself at the core. Its come down to choosing one of two routes.

The first involves keeping Towyn the same species-wise but making some cosmetic changes as I feel he's rather bland. Also I'd like to show that he's aged and grown since I created him years ago. I threw around the idea awhile back that he's infected with lycanthropy, thus making him a Werewolf too. I had some ideas to add scars and such from the attack that infected him. As well as fur color/pattern changes to make him look a little bit more like an actual coyote.

The second option is to change his species. Not entirely as I'm still rather attached to the coyote mythos and I love them but again I'd like to show how I've grown and thus reflect a bit more of myself through my character. I was thinking of a coyote hybrid, using some of the other species I feel represent my best qualities(and in some cases, my worst. :P) Feel free to suggest other ideas if you know me well enough. Though right now I'm contemplating the idea of a coywolfdog. A mix of predominantly coyote with some wolf and domestic dog(husky) thrown in. Kind of like 50% coyote, 25% wolf, 25% husky.

I pick the coyote for obvious reasons. I love them. Their resourcefulness, cunning, and intelligence. I also identify with the wise trickster myths, finding a lot of those quality's in myself(at least I think I do).

I pick the wolf because it represents my reliance on my friends. I like my solitude(coyote trait) but at the same time I -need- to have a 'pack' to help me through the tough times. I also think both the wolf and coyote influence my love of singing. I also find that the wolves natural habitat is preferable to me. I am in love with forested mountain areas. Cold but comforting all the same. Can't explain it but I feel so calm in the middle of a pine forest. I also love the wolf for it's predatory beauty and grace.

I pick the husky because I feel the breed represents my stamina, my strength and will to go forwards, even when I'm exhausted. I also like domestic dogs loyalty. The dog also represents my playful and silly nature. The husky in particular because normally I'm lazy, but if properly harnessed I am very driven and focused.

If any of you feel you have insight to give feel free to. Honestly I'd be happy with either but while writing this I have begun to lean towards the latter option more. Funny how perspective works, eh? So like I said, open forum, feel free to give advice, opinions, comments, cookies, whatever. I'm all ears. :3
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