sing along if you know the words. . . (if not i typed them for ya)

Dec 23, 2005 17:36

dont forget who's taking you home ( Read more... )

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insanityonabun December 24 2005, 16:49:15 UTC
I hate today's country music.


townsgirl December 24 2005, 17:59:42 UTC
haha to darn bad it aint country! dont you hate that when you make a rude generalized statement and you are WAY OFF BASE hahahahahahah lol jk kid good try its new wave jazz and hes incredible! I actually think you like it!! have a merry christmas!


insanityonabun December 25 2005, 14:32:26 UTC
I do like jazz, it just looked like the crappy lyrics country always produces when I just glanced at it.


somelikeitthom December 29 2005, 20:24:35 UTC
actually, it's an old love song from the fifties. so it's way before this so-called "new wave" jazz. and way before buble's time. i'll let you check out some of my jazz. you might like medeski, martin, and wood...


townsgirl December 30 2005, 00:54:25 UTC
okay okay the song i listen to is a redo by buble and its just as good!! the originals are good to though and i like new wave jazz!!


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