Apr 12, 2006 16:50
so lately i've been feeling like i need to take a "personal day"
like...my schedule this week.. k.. here it is..
mon - worked 330-950
tues - track meet (first place in discus w^^t)
weds - absofuckinglutely NOTHING..but i got barely any sleep the night before.. so i was wayyy overly tired.
thurs - Socratic Discussion / working 4-10
fri - ASVAB which will be fun...cuz it oesnt rly count.. just gets u outta clases.. but yea. then working 4-10
sat - TRACK MEETT woooooooooOOO!! i r excited for this one :-D its the humungus one at coe brown :D
sun - working the whole goddamned day 930-630 wut the fucking heLLL
so where is my homework time u might ask?...
xactly why i need a "personal day"
its been stressing me out. im like wtfimgunafailatlifekbye.
and its frustratingggg..
but otherwise..life is gewd :)
i <3 matt.
and that makes me happy :-D
and the dizzyness thing kinda went away...i hope. but yea we'll see i guess lol :-/