Oct 04, 2008 20:55
O-OKAY. I'm full of fail and have been planning on apping a fourth character (yet another WA character sobbb), but now that I've started on her app, I need a bit of help... or something.
The thing is, in her canon, despite being commonborn, this character was the private tutor to the royal family (and that of another noble house or two). I was thinking of doing something similar for her BN counterpart, as in be a tutor to one of the Mighty Six's children. The thing is, I've been so out of the loop that I don't even know who's in the Mighty Six anymore, OTL. That's why I'm asking first. WHO WANTS A SILLY 34 YEAR OLD WOMAN WITH A DOG AS A PRIVATE TUTOR? 8|
... Unless that wouldn't work because she's a lolcommoner or a woman, th-then I'll try to think of something else D| Like an ordinary school teacher or something but that doesn't spark my imagination quite as much orz.
S-so yeah. Thoughts? 8|