"> The streets of the inner-city slums of Babylon hum with a tense energy that none can see but all can feel; it is curiously quiet. There have been no shootings for a week. The empty bullet casings littering the street curbs are days old. Yes indeed; all is quiet and all is calm-at least, for the moment. Downtown, it’s a different story; alive with lights and sounds, beautiful people stroll down alabaster city blocks in their glitz and glamour. Everyone is wrapped up in the energy that fills the air-downtown Babylon is the center of the universe. Rock and roll hasn’t been invented yet, but drugs and sex are all the rage. This is the world of Babylon Noir, a pan-fandom roleplay set in an alternate universe. Its name comes from two sources- biblical accounts tell of the city of Babel, a place that “united humanity,” where everyone spoke the same language. Babylon is the Greek equivalent of Babel (and sounds better than Babel Noir 8Db) and like the city, in the center lies the great Babylon Tower, the highest skyscraper in the world. The second part, Noir, translates into “black” in French and was named thus as a throwback to the subgenre “film noir,” classy and slick Hollywood crime dramas usually shot in high-contrast, low-key black-and-white. Likewise, the inhabitants of downtown Babylon are stylish and beautiful, but the city’s crime rates are high due to corruption in the police forces and the nitty-gritty lifestyle of the slums. Your mod is">intro/faq ·">apply .">reserve a character ·">drop a character .">main community ·">ooc community .">log community |