Feb 10, 2014 23:05
Beginning Words: 26,440
Ending Words: 29,609
Tea/Drink: Twinings Orange and Cinnamon herbal tea
Music: None
Reason for stopping: Dipping a toe back in the water
Darling in the words: My purpose this night had been to observe the prey, then move in for another harrying strike.
So this was a dip the toe back in the pool type of night. No new words produced, a few minor edits here and there, and the realization that I still love this novel. A lot of the words I felt were dead and lifeless three months ago stirred something in me tonight as I read them. I can see the story I want to tell, and it's starting to take shape.
I ended up starting to brainstorm the next chapter which will be difficult as it's Catie's chapter and her character is not as strong in my head as some of the others. Not as weak as Lorrin, but definitely not like writing Zhorah, who I could write about in my sleep. I keep pushing myself not to forget plot and arc, plot and arc, but its hard to see how to move it forward when this chapter wants to be a settling one, where some more of the puzzle pieces sit side by side to let the reader put them together. I will think of something catchy, I hope.
Anyhoo, I need to go to bed. I might try to post some non metric posts this week to start catching up on all the other things, but we shall see how this week goes. Hope everything is going well in your world