1. List your characters. 2. People you have CR with ask you to tl;dr about their relationship, and how your character perceives theirs. 3. Everyone wins.
Seriously though, John is p. happy to see Vriska in the flesh! He's totally poking fun at you, Vriskies, but it's just his way of showing affection, like a puppy. Puppies violently throw themselves onto people and lick their faces in awkward ways, but it's all because they're so excited to see you~! This is roughly what John is doing with his hamming up. And since he likes you sooo much, he's being even more bizarre and intolerable than usual. Yaaaay.
What's with that strained-looking icon young lady :I
Anyway, they only met once, but he's got a pretty good opinion of her! Even though he really only jut filled her in on stuff she missed due to not being in the Tower, she asks good questions, and he is definitely impressed. Plus, first adult troll he met counts for something too, woop woop. There needs to be more interaction between these two, like, right now.
I... do not know?? :|b Do you have any posts planned for the near future? Or perhaps we can have them run into one another in the plot, if it is continuing and isn't in a lull right now.
Ienzo does not know what is up with Naminé? He figures she's just really tense around people, and even though they've done a few things that might be considered working together in some countries, he still catches some of the side-eyes and other expressions of distrust she throws him. Of course, she's not telling him that it's all because of a certain gray-haired thing that used to be a man, so he's just going to continue to be in the dark and come to his own conclusions about her personality. In the meantime, he's acting about the same to her as he would any other person, since he doesn't want to overstep any of the boundaries she may or may not have imposed.
- Ienzo (OU)
- Mao (OU)
- John Egbert (OU)
- Kaito / Gallerian Marlon (AU)
Seriously though, John is p. happy to see Vriska in the flesh! He's totally poking fun at you, Vriskies, but it's just his way of showing affection, like a puppy. Puppies violently throw themselves onto people and lick their faces in awkward ways, but it's all because they're so excited to see you~! This is roughly what John is doing with his hamming up. And since he likes you sooo much, he's being even more bizarre and intolerable than usual. Yaaaay.
oh sweet jesus what am i on
Anyway, they only met once, but he's got a pretty good opinion of her! Even though he really only jut filled her in on stuff she missed due to not being in the Tower, she asks good questions, and he is definitely impressed. Plus, first adult troll he met counts for something too, woop woop. There needs to be more interaction between these two, like, right now.
how might we smash them together??
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