Who: Cain Knightlord and EVERYBODY (no seriously, he is knocking on every door in the residential areas)
Setting: All dorm rooms on each level
Format: Starting with Prose, but will match you
Summary: Cain has some questions to ask of everybody!
Warnings: Cheerful derpiness?
[First Part: Private to Abel]
The events of the weeks precluding Halloween had been harrowing, to say the least. Not just due to the violence that had been committed, the deaths that had followed, but because they had seemed powerless to resist it. Even Cain had felt that inexorable pull that told him to kill those who had been subject to experimentation, bombarded with sights and sounds that were no less horrific for the fact they had been hallucinations. It frightened him, the idea of the loss of control, more than most other things did here.
Yet they had managed to resist, the pair of them together. Though in part, he was sure that some of Abel's resistance had stemmed solely from a refusal to hurt anyone just because the Tower decreed it so, rather than from any desire not to hurt innocents. His own logic and fierce internal reassurances that none of it was real had barely helped, yet somehow they had got through it locked in their room without any blood, theirs or anyone else's, staining their hands. It was a victory for them, a reaffirmation that together they could overcome any odds and force things back their way.
It had given him a renewed sense of inner security, a belief that this imprisonment would not be permanent. All he had to do was bide his time, be patient and surely the solution would come to him. He had faith in his own abilities and, with Abel beside him, it was only a matter of time before they were free. It had brought back his ever-present smile, his outward confidence, as though he had chosen to be here and the whole situation was under control. He would make friends, gain confidences, find a way through that to the secrets of the Tower and those that ran it, and then...
But first, his brother deserved a reward for managing to resist the temptation to give into those persuasive voices telling them to kill and maim. He knew Abel was keenly feeling the sense of imprisonment here, and it was imperative that Cain maintain his normalcy to give his brother back a feeling of security and safety. So it was that morning, one (1) Abel Nightroad would be woken up by the smell of delicious (if slightly charred) pancakes covered in maple syrup.
"Wakey, wakey, sleepyhead~"
[Second Part: Open to Everybody]
Having enjoyed his breakfast with his brother, Cain was now on a mission to collect more information that might be useful in unravelling the secrets of this tower. He had down a few names as worthy of extra interest - the nations, Charles Xavier... But he wanted to meet everybody. The more confidences he could gain and the more friends he could make, the stronger his position (and Abel's, by proxy) would become in the tower.
So starting at the bottom of the dormitory levels and going around in a methodical pattern to each room, right through every single one in the Tower, he knocked on the door loudly and confidently. He will also be peeking his head into the libraries, the watch room, the church, and the cafeteria as well to try and catch anybody not at home.
"Excuse me, I wondered if I could have a moment of your time, please?"
[ooc: So very open, in every dorm room and most public locations in the Tower. Cain is on a deliberate hunt for as many residents as he can find.]