another "look, a new towermate!" thread

Oct 31, 2011 06:03

Characters: Fran, and whoever stumbles on in.
Setting: Her room, the halls.
Format: Anything goes.
Summary: Frankenstein's monster walks out of one of the dorms.
Warnings: Nothing, unless you consider Fran's, ah, natural charisma warning worthy.

The first word out of Fran's mouth once it chooses to start working again is a quiet "Ah," followed by "Perhaps there was a leak of halothane vapor? I don't remember going to sleep, and someone would have woken me if I was in the middle of a procedure..."

That's about when she notices the letters. The longer one she reads first and tucks away under her pillow, but the shorter text piques her curiosity. While the loss of the world is troubling as an understatement, the fact that she's still extant makes her contemplate how the definition of world is being applied - is it just whatever places she frequented? The people she knew? Was she saved from an unlucky, localized fluke of destruction or has she been abducted by curious, kindly aliens?'s a while later that Fran leaves the room she woke up in to go see the rest of this mysterious compound. She's still wearing the provided bodysuit, but with her poncho over it for a bit more modesty. Her gait is rather strange, like she can't find her center of balance.

[ou] ankh, [ou] ienzo, [ou] fran madaraki

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