001 -- don't say a word

Jun 23, 2011 21:24

Characters: Ienzo + YOU.
Setting: The library. Where else?
Format: Prose; feel free to do either, and I'll follow suit.
Summary: Ienzo finds the library. Don't expect to see him anywhere else for several weeks.
Warnings: None.

If one were to stroll unknowingly into the library of the Tower of Animus, they would get the feeling that they were not alone. Even though there was no shadow, no sound, nothing to suggest that anyone else was there... they would still feel like someone else was around. Because someone was. He just had more important things to worry about.

The usual awkward, shrunken demeanor that Ienzo typically had was all but lost when he was in a library. He actually knew what he was doing out here; without question, he loved books, and even just being within close proximity to them had a certain calming effect. But still, if ever he was in a new place, a large priority for him was always to learn if there was a library in the area, and if there was, drop everything and shun minor obligations like food and social interaction in order to find it. (Not that he typically had much of either anyway.)

Right now, he was floating between the shelves somewhere, looking as close to 'peaceful' as he was ever going to get. There was still the slight perma-frown on his face, but other than that there was no darkness to his face; he was stopping every so often to read the titles and the authors of books, occasionally slipping one out to peer at the front cover before deciding it would not help him and moving on. While earlier he had been here simply for the sake of being here, Ienzo soon realized that he was in an unfamiliar world and had seen nothing to indicate which one. And so, since his first line of defense against everything was a book, he had made for the library, stalking the shelves for anything that could give him even the slightest hint.

What Ienzo didn't know is that there was nothing in this vast place, nothing at all, which could even remotely be of use to him. He knew how to search through these labyrinthine places, and had long since learned to find the maximum amount of information in the minimum amount of time. (He also knew how to do all of this without uttering a single sound; silence is golden, remember?) But today's search had come up depressingly and uncharacteristically empty... though of course, human error could be taken in to account, and so a significant amount of combing would be necessary.

[ou] silver, [ou] karasu, [ou] ienzo, [ou] lillet blan

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